Chapter Five~Life Saver.

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Someone shouted downstairs, jolting me out of my sleep. Sucking in a deep breath, I climbed out of my bed and looked at the clock. Half eight! I must have overslept! Did my alarm clock go off? There was no time to worry about that, my aunt was calling me, telling me that Frank was at the door.

As quickly as possible, I pulled on my black skinny jeans and a random band t-shirt from my wardrobe, brushed my hair and teeth, then ran down the stairs. Frank stood in the hallway, shuffling uncomfortably. When I appeared, he looked up, his face brightening.

"Crissy. I guess you got up late?" He asked with a smirk, noticing my zombified look. Laughing, I quickly darted into the kitchen, grabbed a cereal bar, and then pulled on my converses. I grabbed my school bag, and then hurried to the front door.

"Let's go." I opened the door for Frank, who nodded at me and then stepped out of the house. Shouting goodbye to my aunt, I stepped out of the house, closing the door behind me. It wasn't a perticulary nice day, the sky was covered with dark-grey clouds which cast shadows over the world below them, and the sun was no-where to be seen.

It took quite long to get to school, even longer with the thought that I might be late looming over me. We hurried through the school gates just in time to hear the bell ring. In the distance, I saw Gerard and Mikey leaning against one of the few trees around the front of the school. Frank noticed them at the same time as me and hurried in their direction, shuffling our way through the crowd of students.

"Mikey! Gerard!" Frank called. The brothers looked over at the same time, both their faces emotionless. When they saw me and Frank, a small smile spread across Gerard's face, it was barely detectable, but Mikey remained expressionless.

"Where's Bob and Ray?" Frank asked, scanning the crowd for a sign of them-probably looking out for Ray's hair. Mikey and Gerard shrugged in unison. As we entered the school building, one of the jock boys came up beside Frank and 'accidently' shoved him into me.

"Oh sorry, didn't see you there, shorty." The jock flashed a sly grin and then slipped away into the crowd. Frank balanced himself again and sighed.

"See you later, Mikey, Gerard." I mumbled, slipping down the corridor with Frank. They waved at us as we walked away towards our first lesson. The lesson dragged on, feeling like it lasted forever. By the time the bell went, I was almost asleep, my head leaning against my desk. Frank poked me, knocking me out of my daydream. Quickly, I sat up, looking around.

"Oh, um, let's go." I mumbled, jumping up. Giggling at me, Frank stood up too and guided the way towards the door. "What's your next lesson?" I asked, getting out my timetable.

"Mine's history, you?" He asked without even getting his timetable out. I looked down at my lessons and said 'English'. He noticed it at the same time and smirked. "Isn't Mikey in your English group?"

"Yeah." I mumbled, gritting my teeth together. Mikey didn't like me, I could tell, and spending a whole hour with him was definately one of the last things I wanted to do.

"Well, see you soon." He grinned at me and waved, before slipping down the next corridor. Darting down the corridor, I put my timetable back, but bumped into a group of jocks.

"Hey, watch where you're going, new girl." The leader, Josh, growled. He has cropped, blonde hair and deep grey eyes, along with a stern face. I couldn't see how people found him attractive, in my view, he was one of the ugliest people I had met.

I tried to push past him, but he grabbed onto my arm and growled into my ear. "You and your freak friends better stay out of my way, or there will be a replay of yesterday, except on all of you." He hissed into my ear, and the rest of the group spat at me. Josh's grip loosened on my arm, and I slipped away before he could do any more harm.

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