Chapter Six~Skylines and Turnstiles.

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I stared up at the sky, covered by a layer of dark clouds, which threatened to let out rain at any moment. The tree which supported my back swayed in the strong winds, causing one of the branches to sway and hit Frank round the face.

"Ouch!" He cried, jumping away and rubbing his cheek. Laughing, I looked up and noticed Ray, Gerard and Mikey walking our way. It was about halfway through our lunch break, and so far there's been no incident with the jocks. The black eye I had gained yesterday was slowly fading.

"Mikey! Gerard! Ray!" Frank waved one of his arms at them, his other hand still rubbing his cheek where the branch had hit him. Gerard, who was looking down at the floor, looked up and smiled faintly, his arms clutched around a folder-probably full of his art.

The boys walked over to Frank, oblivious to my presence. Ray ran a hand through his puffy hair, watching Frank as he grinned stupidly at them.

"Hey, Frank." Mikey said, his voice quiet. Frank looked at him, curious. "Are you allowed to come to ours-" He gestured to himself, and then to Gerard. "-tonight? Because we haven't had a band practice in ages, and I thought it would be cool to do it tonight.." He shuffled his left foot across the ground, kicking the stray bits of litter and leaves out of the way.

"Sure! That would be cool! I'll have to tell my mom first." He grinned and glanced down at me. Band practice? Did they have a band? I smiled at him and looked at Ray curiously. The rest of the boys looked down to see what Frank was looking at, and noticed me there.

"Oh, Crissy." Ray said, his face darkening slightly. Why was he always like this to me?

"Ray." I nodded my head at him, before looking at Gerard and Mikey. "So..You guys have a band?" I asked, casually. I was curious, if they had a band, I definately wanted to hear some of their songs.

"Yes." Mikey replied bluntly, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

"What's it called?" I asked, sounding a little bit too excited.

"My Chemical Romance!" Frank cried, standing up straight, a proud look on his face. My Chemical Romance? A very original name.

"Cool! So, how many songs have you done?" I asked, grinning. Why didn't Frank tell me earlier about this?

"We've done a whole album." Gerard mumbled, looking up from the ground. He smiled slightly, his black hair falling over his eyes.

"Really? Might I be able to hear some of your songs? I mean, if that's okay with you?" I picked at the grass, wondering if I was being a bit too demanding. Who was the singer? Surely not Gerard, he seemed too shy.

"Yeah!" Frank shouted before anyone else could answer. "It sounds great, Gerard sings really well!" He pointed at Gerard, who was watching Frank, his eyebrow raised. So Gerard did sing?

"Oh, okay. I bet it sounds amazing." I looked at Gerard, then at Mikey, who was staring into the distance, frowning slightly. Frank opened his mouth to say something, but Ray cut him off.

"Yeah yeah, that's great, now can I go get my lunch? I'm starving here!" He sighed and tapped his foot impatiently. Frank laughed and started walking towards the school building, Ray following after him. The Way brothers hesitated before sitting down on either side of me, watching Frank and Ray walk off.

We sat in silence for several seconds, before Gerard spoke. "Hey Crissy..What kind of music do you like?" He looked at me, his expression curious. Surpised, I looked at him.

"Oh, I like rock and metal. I hate all that mainstream stuff." I hugged my knees, frowning. Did Gerard like mainstream music?

Gerard nodded, a faint smile on his lips. "Me too." He placed his folder on his lap and stared down at the grass. I stared at a group of people-probably jocks-who were sat at a bench near the school building, laughing and chatting. How could they be so happy? They caused pain in so many people, like Gerard and Mikey, how could they not care about it?

Summertime. {A My Chemical Romance Fan Fiction}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt