Chapter 16

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Hello my beautiful readers. it is with great sadness that i say that there is a chance that i will not be uploading this weekend. im so busy; i have a sweet 15/quince tomorrow and then sunday, i have to do a stupid english project and another party "/ trust me. im just as upset as you are. but whatever chance i get, ill take it <3 thanks for the views guys; love you all ;* xoxo sam

All Rights Reserved © 2012

Chapter 16:

Nialls POV:

Well, that was breathtaking. Siara and i were in her Honda, and we snogging for what felt like forever. We were now resting and trying to catch our breath. I looked over at her, watching a dirty blonde lock fall on her face, her blue eyes ignited with excitment. i pushed the piece of hair away from her face and she looked up and smiled at me.The sky was a deep purple. i looked at the clock and the red numbers blinking back at me said that it was 3:37. i turned my attention back to her, only to find her staring back at me. i never saw anything so beautiful in my life. i took her hand, playing with her fingers. i felt her eyes burning holes in me, forcing me to look up at her.

"soooo...what does this make us?" i said as soon as i connected my eyes with her. i went close to her, feeling her breath on my lips. it took all my strength not to attack her with kisses.

"well, friends obviously dont kiss like that." she stated, a smile playing on her pink lips

i nodded and pressed my forehead against hers. she leaned in and kissed me gently.

"be mine." i said without thinking

"i thought youd never ask." she smiled and i kissed her. i was too happy right now. then i started feeling guilty. why was i happy when my best friend and the girl that i was head-over-heels for were in the hospital, basically dying?

"i have to go." i kissed her gently and tried my best to ignore her beautifully confused face, "ill be back; i have to check on liam and sam. text me." and with that i walked out of the car and headed back to the hospital. I walked up to the desk and asked for Sams room number which was room 315, then id head over to liams which wasnt far; it was room 324. I walked into the room only to see Harry passed out in a car and Louis resting on the bed with Sam. i restrained my laughter and walked up to the bed. trying not to wake her, i kissed her forehead lightly. i saw a small smile on her lips, and then she fell back to sleep. i took a vase that was filled with water, and gently put harrys hand in it. i walked out of the room smirking to myself.

Liams POV:

I was awake, and my body ached. My blinds were open and i saw the deep purple sky. it was beautiful. my left arm was in a cast; i hoped it would heal fast. i hated hospitals. this place just reeked of sadness. and the smell. i couldnt stand the smell. i took a deep breath and rested my head back on the pillow. Was that a dream last night... or something more? i was just happy that it didnt take me away, and that i was still on earth. which meant i can roam it with the girl that meant most to me: Sam. Questions flew through my head. Where was she? How was she? When can i see her? I heard footsteps and straightened my posture, thinking it was a doctor. instead, it was Niall. I turned bitter. He looked scared.

"What?" i mumbled

"i just wanted to see how you were." he said, looking at his feet

"im just fine, thank you."

then there was an awkward silence.

"Whyd you do it?" i asked him, curious and upset

he stayed silent for awhile, then he spoke, "i...i dont really know..."

i laughed, "c'mon, you dont know? really? youre gonna go with that?"

he cringed alittle and began shifting both of his legs, "i guess i was caught up in the moment. she was right there and she-"

"and she was mine. You knew that." i growled

"I know. and im sorry. i promise, with my hole heart, that i'll never do it again." he held up a pinky

i thought for a second, "i dont know why im saying this, but i forgive you."

He smiled at me, his eyes happy, "if you wanna know how she is, just ask me. i can see that its killing you." he came over and sat on my bed

"How is she?" i asked, half scared and half curious

"shes perfect. great shape. right now, Harry and Louis are with her, sleeping." he smirked

I shoke my head and laughed, "i cant wait to get out of this soon." i said, gesturing to the tubes and patches on me

"agreed." he nodded

"i just wanna walk up to her, kiss her, and make her come back to me. i love her. unconditionally." i said

Niall smiled and patted my back, "she'll come back to you. you risked everything for her. if she doesnt come back, shes insane."

I smiled back at him, wishing i could see Sam.

Sams POV:

I woke up to hear laughing and yelling, and my bed shaking. I turned to see Louis dying of laughter and clutching his stomach and Harry with a red face and a stain in the er...crotch area.

I couldnt help but laugh myself.

"LOUIS I KNEW YOU DID IT!" Harry yelled, trying to cover up the stain, looking embarassed

"I PROMISE I DIDNT. WHOEVER DID IS A GENIUS THOUGH!" Louis said, tears coming out of his eyes, his smile wide

"whatever," Harry mumbled and left the room, trying to hide the stain from any of the nurses

i turned to Louis, "did you do it?"

he shook his head and smiled, "nope. promise. it was probably Zayn or Niall." he laughed lightly

All of a sudden, i saw my doctor come in. He smiled at me, "How are you feeling Sam?"

"Great actually. Just a bruise here and there. Nothing to big." I smiled back

"Good. You'll be released around 12 today." the doctor nodded and left


We Found Love: A Liam Payne/One Direction Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now