Chapter 21

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sorry I haven't been on in awhile; birthday stuff and MAJOR drama "/ thanks for fanning and commenting. You guys are awesome. Xoxo Sam

All Rights Reserved © 2012

Chapter 21

Sams POV:

I grasped both of the boys hand and we waited on the line of The Tunnel of Love.

"I can smell the cheesiness!" I laughed seeing the giant pink ride with white swans floating on water. There were candles floating on the water as well, with rose petals scattered around every imaginable surface.

The place smelled of over used vanilla.

Liam crinkled his nose, "too much vanilla,"

God. That British accent can drive any girl mad. I turned to Harry, to see he was staring at a brunette girl with curled hair. She was laughing, her head thrown back. She was really pretty with her fair white skin; she reminded me of Snow White 2.0

"Go up to her Harry!" i said, punching his shoulder softly

He smirked at me, rubbing his shoulder, "Ouch. And no. She might reject me."

I glared at him, "Really? THATS your excuse?"

"Mate, just approach her." Liam said, running his hand through his hair.

"No." Harry stated, obviously not going to change his answer.

So, i walked away from Harry and Liam and towards the girl. They looked confused at first, then Harrys face was filled with embarassment, and the look of murdering me. Liams face was full of admiration and amusment.

I walked right up to the girl and tapped her shoulder. She turned around and looked confused at me.

"Hi, see that curly headed cutie over there?" I gestured, using my neck to point

Harry gave a light wave as she looked past me, "Mmhmm, he's cute. He also looks familiar..."

"Well, he's been looking at you the whole time, and I strongly suggest you go with him on The Tunnel of Love." I smiled evilly

She smiled at me, "Will do." She turned to her friends, "I'm going to hang out with them. I'll call you guys tomorrow." She waved bye to them and walked with me towards the boys. Harry looked like he was about to poop himself and Liam was trying to calm him down.The girl stood infront of Harry.

"Hi." She smirked, "You're friend said you were staring at me. You're quite cute too. Be my partner on this ride?"

All Harry could do was nod really fast.

Liams grip on my waist tightened and he leaned in my ear and whispered, "I love you." The way his breath felt on my skin was mind blowing. He drove me even more crazy when he kissed my neck softly. Damn.He was such a tease. I fought back a moan and poked him in his ribs. He pulled away and smirked at me.

"So, what's your name?" Harry asked, alittle nervous

"Rosalinda." she smiled at him; she looked like she wanted to hold his hand

"I'm Harry." He smirked at her and took her hand shyly. I looked at her and winked. Awesome. Everyone was all paired up.

"NEXT IN LINE!" the guy yelled and we all handed in our tickets. Everyone got on their own swans and the ride started up. I held Liams hand and he kissed me softly on my lips. I felt goosebumps all over my body, making me smile. The kiss got more intense and i wrapped my arms tighter around his neck. He wrapped his arm tighter around my waist and i ran my fingers through his hair. We felt the swan start to shake, so we stopped kissing and burst out laughing. I stood up to check on Harry and Rose, and they were already busy.

"NO KISSING IN THE TUNNEL OF LOVE!" I yelled at them, causing them to break apart. They both glared at me and i stuck my tongue at them and sat down next to Liam. He took my hand and held it, placing a soft kiss on the inside of my palm.

"When are you going back to school?" Liam asked, a twinge of sadness in his voice

"Monday. So i have one day left with you." I gave a small smile, "When are you going back to the UK?"

"2 weeks." Liam said, disappointed

"Why so sad?" I pouted my lips at him. He gave me a quick kiss, "I dont want to leave you." I couldnt help but smile wide

"I dont want to leave you either. But after Wednesday, its my last day!" I stated, making him smile

"do you want me to drive and pick you up?" Liam hoped

"I'd love that." I kissed his cheek

"Are you spending the night?" Liam asked

"Well...I was thinking you and i could spend it at Amandahs house...alone." I hoped

He smirked at me, "I'd love that. Just dont go too crazy on me; i do have one unharmed arm."

"No promises." I winked and he smiled evilly

The ride stopped and we got off, hand in hand

I looked around and found Amandah, "Hey, uhm can Liam and I spend the night at your house tonight?"

"Ooo," she winked at me, "Sure. Just dont break anything."

"But the bed," Zayn coughed under his breath and Amandah shoved him into a wall

"Oh, youre gonna get it!" Zayn yelled and amandah took off with Zayn chasing after her

We all got to the car, including Rosalinda. Niall went back with Siara to her house, so we had extra room in the car.

"Zayn, can you drop Liam and I off to Amandah's house?" I asked and everyone in the car whooped and hollered. I buried my head into Liams shoulder to hide my blushing

"I will...on one condition." Zayn said, smiling

oh no.

I groaned, "what is it?"

"USE PROTTTTTTTTTTTECTION!" Zayn yelled and I glared at him. I felt Liam shaking with laughter.

"Oh gosh, youre killing the poor girl!" Rosalinda smiled at me from Harrys lap and i mouthed her a 'thank you'

Amandah turned up the music louder to avoid any further teasing and I smiled to myself. We all sang to the lyrics:

"Give me a second I,

I need to get my story straight

My friends are in the bathroom getting higher than the Empire State

My lover she's waiting for me just across the bar

My seat's been taken by some sunglasses asking bout a scar, and

I know I gave it to you months ago

I know you're trying to forget

But between the drinks and subtle things

The holes in my apologies, you know

I'm trying hard to take it back

So if by the time the bar closes

And you feel like falling down

I'll carry you home


We are young

So let's set the world on fire

We can burn brighter than the sun


We are young

So let's set the world on fire

We can burn brighter than the sun"

It was the perfect song to end a perfect day.

Ooo whats gonna happen with Liam and Sam at Amandahs house?;) stay tuned and sorry it took FOREVER to upload :/ i had alot going on.

We Found Love: A Liam Payne/One Direction Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now