Chapter 18

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I now Copyright my stories to avoid plagiarism :) anywayssss, back to the story xoxo love you all

All Rights Reserved © 2012

Chapter 18:

Zayns POV:

Seeing Liam and Sam like that, i knew they had it bad for eachother. But hey, they were happy, so i was happy. While they were snogging, i couldnt help but steal glances at amandah, who blushed ever so often. I grabbed her hand and squeezed it. I should kiss her. Not now, but soon. The heart monitor started to accelerate and we all laughed. Louis cleared his throat and i elbowed him in the ribs.

"Dont ruin it for them!" i whisper shouted, smiling

Then, i heard them say that they love eachother. We all looked at eachother, shocked. In a span of 72 hours, they loved eachother. it felt like they knew eachother forever. But, 3 days? I guess love at first sight does exist.

I looked at amandah, smiling.

Love at first sight really does exist.

Liams POV:

She made me happy; and she loved me! Can this day get better? Then i heard a light knock, and we all turned to see the doctor leaning in the door frame.

"Hi Liam, i see your doing well." The doctor said, a smiling playing on his lips

Sam blushed and tried to move away from me, but i wrapped my good arm around her waist, pulling her closer.

"Yes, thank you doctor." I said, smiling, "When will i get out of here?"

"Well, you have broken ribs, a broken arm, and bruises and cuts. So, maybe, if you stick around for another night, then i'll be able to release you tomorrow." the doctor smiled again and we all let out a sigh of relief. I was so happy. The doctor walked out and left us alone.

"Do the press know im here?" i asked the boys, who shook their heads

"No. Thank god that your getting out tomorrow too! i dont want people knowing that you were here. Especially Simon." Niall groaned

"Now that wouldve been bad." I said and then turned to Sam

"Want to spend the night beautiful?" I kissed her temple

"mmhmm, i miss sleeping with you." She smiled

Harry put on a shocked face, "YOU GUYS DID IT? WHOA. THAT WAS FAST!"

I took one look at Sam and we burst out laughing, while everyone else had looked at us with seriousness.

"Noooo, we meant like legit sleeping." Sam giggled to herself

I kissed her cheek out of nowhere, and laughed lightly at the look on her surprised face.

"Sam, do you want to go home and get new clothes? you've been wearing the same thing for two days." Amandah asked

"uh...sure," i said smiling at Amandah and i turned to Liam, "i'll be back and less smelly." i kissed his forehead and left with Amandah and Zayn

We went into his BMW and traveled home which was half an hour away. Time went fast when you looked out at the blue sky, singing along to songs with your friends. We pulled into Amandahs and she put the code in the gate. The big, iron gate unlocked slowly and Zayn let out a low whistle as he drove on the rocky pavement.

"Sweet house." he commented

"I know," Amandah said giddy

Zayn put the BMW on park and we climbed up the stone steps and into the house. Amandah and I went straight to her room and i changed into a silk ice blue button down (leaving the first two unbuttoned), ripped short shorts, and mocassins. I released my pin straight hair from the messy bun and let it cascade down my shoulders in soft, loose waves. Amandah turned around and looked at me.

"DAMMMMMMN GIRL." she yelled and winked at me

I stuck my tongue at her and winked.

I packed my pajamas, panties, bras, my makeup and hygiene products into my hot pink duffle bag. Then, last but not least, i laid the teddy bear i had since i was born on top, kissing it on the head. I grabbed two pairs of flip flops and shoved them in a Jack Wills bag. I turned to Amandah.

"Ya ready sugah?" i said with a weird accent and laughed at myself

"yes ma'am." she saluted at me and smiled

"Give me your bags." Zayn said with a smile

"Thanks." I smiled back. We headed out the door and Amandah locked it. We got in the car and Zayn put our things in the trunk. I looked out the window and saw that there was a beautiful sunset. I wondered to myself if Liam was looking out the window too. the thought of it warmed my heart and spread tingles throughout my whole body. We sang to Firework, WMYB, Teenage Dream, and Zayns choice: Let Me Love You, which he seranaded to amandah, who had a very difficult time trying not to blush. In no time, we were back at the hospital. We signed in, got our visitors passes, and went upstairs. I walked into Liams room and his face lit up. I kissed him gently on the lips.we broke away and he couldn't stop staring at me, which made my face turn a deep scarlet.

"you look beautiful." he whispered in my ear

I smacked a kiss on his cheek and cuddled next to him, breathing in his sweet honey like smell. He wrapped a good arm around my waist and laid his head atop mine.

Amandah turned to me, "zayn and I are going to leave so you two cuties can be alone," she smiled and winked

Liam whispered in my ear, making me shiver slightly, "I can have you all to myself." I could see the cheeky grin on his face.

I turned to amandah, "okay, thanks for everything guys."

"I left your duffle bag right there," zayn pointed to the seat which was by Liams bed

"Thanks," Liam said, "are you toning to come back tomorrow?"

"Most definitely." Zayn smiled, then he took Amandahs hand and walked out the room.

Liam turned to me and kissed me on my neck, "I've missed you."

I turned and kissed his nose lightly, "I've missed you more handsome "

He turned on the television to HBO and Toy Story 3 was on, and I heard the beeping of the monitor

Laccelerate; he was excited

"My favorite!" Liam said

I smirked, "really?"

"Yes. If you haven't seen my interviews, then your completely oblivious to my love for this movie."Liam said, his arm tightening around my waist

"Well Mr.Famous, remember, I JUST found out about you and the boys 2 days ago. It's not like I went fangirling right when I saw you, so don't give yourself the satisfaction." I said, turning away from his brown eyes

then, I felt Liam place a gentle kiss on my collarbone and nuzzle my neck. I shivered slightly as I felt him whisper in my ear, "Damn. All this time I thought you were a crazed fan girl. And i love it when you get

l fiesty."

Damn why did he have that effect on me? He was so irresistible. We kissed for what felt like hours, trying to soak up eachother as much as we can. Boy, was it a great feeling. I've never felt this way about anyone. Ever. I was actually in Love.

And I was loving every second of it.

I fell asleep in his good arm, feeling safer than ever andfelt happy.

Nothing can ever ruin this moment.

We Found Love: A Liam Payne/One Direction Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now