IV : Fill In The Blanks

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You pulled the jacket tighter around your body, the harsh wind chilling you to your bones. It was a particularly cold spring morning, the chill of winter seeming to come back with a twisted vengeance. It didn't ruin your mood, though, because you had a date. Your makeup was flawless, your outfit amazing. You were set up for a wonderful lunch with a wonderful person.

You slid into a booth in the corner of a small diner. You gazed out the window at the passing cars and crowds of pedestrians, hoping that you'd see Jack soon. He said to meet at about noon, and it was 12:02. A waitress came by and got you a glass of water to sip on while you waited. You had shrugged off Mark's jacket, the warmth of the diner making you sweat.

He arrived at 12:07. He shot you an award-winning smile upon his entry, sliding into the seat across from you with glee.

"You look beautiful," he stated as he took off his jacket. "I feel underdressed just being around you." You blushed at his comment. The two of you continued back and forth, talking and flirting and cracking idiotic jokes. It was the best time you'd had in a long time, and you were glad that you were too short to reach the top shelf for once in your life.

When the clock hit 1:30, Jack cursed and stood up, slapping a twenty on the table. He quickly threw on his jacket.

"I'm so sorry to do this, but I've really gotta head to work," he stated frantically. He leaned in and kissed your cheek before exiting the diner and disappearing into the crowds. You paid for lunch and left, the chill of the morning having lifted a bit. It wasn't too unbearably cold, but it was still much too cold to go out without a jacket. You didn't mind; the warm fur of Mark's jacket filled you with a sense of security, the pine smell making you feel safe.

You sighed in contentment as you closed the door of your house. You had gotten practically no sleep the night before, too distracted by Tumblr and YouTube to fall into slumber. You felt that you deserved a nap, so you changed into some pajamas and slipped under the covers of you twin sized bed.

You were brought to a dark room, the only other person there facing away from you. They were on their knees, a light from above shining over their toned body. A booming voice began to speak, your heart practically leaping out of your chest.

"Mark Edward Fischbach!" it spoke loudly. Every word echoed of of the seemingly non-existent walls. You looked to the man in front of you. It was definitely Mark, but it seemed to be him from a different time. His red locks were black, and he wasn't as tan as he was as of late. He had cuffs around his wrists, chaining him to the ground. "You have committed treason against the Parliament of Grim. Not only did you leave your assignment incomplete, but you prevented it from completion twice. You stopped a human from dying twice for your own selfish needs. How do you plead?"

"Guilty, your honor," Mark spoke softly, his voice a low growl.

"You will be sentenced to one year as a mortal. Learn your place, come back a smarter man. And stay away from that girl; we've assigned another reaper to the task." The light faded away and the room went dark, the only sounds being heard were that of chains.

The scene changed. It was Mark sitting at a café, sipping on a mug of black coffee. You could only assume that this was when he was sent to spend time as a mortal. His hair was red, a more intense shade of what he had at the present date.

The neighborhood was blurry, your dream not allowing you to see where exactly he was. The only thing that was clear was Mark and the table he sat at, rust coating the table in orange. Chips of black paint sat underneath the table, showing signs that it used to be nicely painted and well taken care of. Mark sat with a look of misery painted across his features, every last bit of joy seeming to have escaped his mortal body. His jacket hung loosely off of his body, the wind whipping it around as he stood up. As though knowing that you were there, he turned and faced you, his eyes turning black. The scene dissolved, and you were left in darkness for a few moments before waking up.

You shot awake, gasping and panting for air. You were sweating bullets, but you were freezing at the same time. You scrambled to turn on a light, but upon trying, it didn't turn on. You looked out your bedroom window, the entire neighborhood engulfed in darkness.

The first thing you did was lock every door and window in the house. It was something that you'd done too many times that week, paranoia seeping into your every action. You locked your kitchen window last, searching the pantry for tealights.

You found and lit them all throughout your home, making sure that not a single room suffered from the dark. You didn't sleep that night, too terrified of what might happen in the dark.

Boring, short chapter. Got a key element to the plot though.

Updates will be slow on this story. I know that it's a shitty thing to do, especially on a story that I was so enthusiastic on creating, but there's only so much that I can do with my imagine book going. I'm extremely lazy.

Happy reading,

Allie B.

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