003 ' Antibug

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❝ Y/N's POV ❞

beep.. Beep!.. BEEP!

I stretched out my arm to grab my phone..

"Uggh, shut up stupid phone!" I mumbled as I turned off my alarm and throwed my phone far away from me,

"Y/N! Wake up! Its your first day of school!" Allena said as she tried to wake me up. Allena grabbed my sleeve and pulled it so I can sit up.. Which it worked,

"Where's mom and dad? Oh wait.. Right, they both leave early to work, AND I STAY HERE ALL ALONE" I said, Eheheh~ I should skip school today! But I cant since I'm a good girl and I dont wANT TO RUIN MY REPUTATION ALREADY,

Riiing riing...

"That must be mom.. I aint answering" I got up from bed, made myself some breakfast, went back upstairs to brush my teeth, got dressed and made my bed,

"I guess that's it! Now.. Where's my phone?" I questioned as I walked in my room. Where did I leave my dam-

"Its right here, Y/N!" Allena said as she tried to pick up my phone.

"Thanks, Allena" I grabbed my phone and checked who called.. Adrien?! How did he get my number? Wait.. I gave it to him? Oh yeah, I did,

"Allena, I left you some carrots in a bowl downstairs, go eat some before we leave, okay?" Allena nodded and flew downstairs to eat her carrots. Now, to answer Adrien.. I dialed his number back in my phone and it began ringing,

"Pick up, pick up.." I said to myself


"Adrien? Is it you?"

"Oh! Heh, yeah its me, good morning, Y/N"

"Morning, why did you call? Did something happen?"

"Well I just called if you wanted to walk to school with me"

"Sure! Where do I wait for you?"

"Actually.. Im outside your home, Y/N"

"O-Oh! Uhm.. I-I'll be right there!"

I rushed downstairs and covered my phone so Adrien wouldn't hear me,

"Allena! Cmon lets go!" Allena looked at me and flew to my purse,

"Okay! Bye!"

I closed my purse and walked outside and closed the door, I opened the gate,

"Sorry for keeping you waiting.. Again" I nervously giggled,

"Its okay! No need to worry" He said..

To be honest.. Its kinda awkward to walk alone with a guy to school..

Finally! We got here! I inhaled and exhaled,

"So! This is Collège Françoise Dupont?" I asked, and yes, Im also fluent in French.. Kinda, I try,

"Yes, this is the place! So, which is your first class?" Adrien asked looking at me,

A Magical Love ⎯ Adrien Agreste x Reader [UNDER CONSTRUCTION]Where stories live. Discover now