004 ' Volpina

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Beep... Beep!

I woke up to the annoying sound of my phone, I grabbed my phone and stopped the alarm, I fully opened my crusty eyes... ahem, yeah

"Alleeeenaaa, wake up. We yet have a whole day ahead of us.. ugh" I got up from bed and did my normal everyday routine,

I walked outside and closed the door behind me, I walked towards my limo,

"Good morning, Ms. Y/N" Driver Kim said as he opened the car door for me,

"Good morning, Driver Kim" I told him kindly and got in the limo.

I really love the view here in Paris. I looked outside the window and saw kids running around, I smiled.

I wonder if Adrien is going to school walking today, I grabbed my phone and turned it on, hmm.. a message from Mom and Adrien? I went to my message's app and clicked on my mom's message,

M: Mom, Y: Y/N

M: Good morning, honey! Probably you are seeing this in your way to school, I just sent you this so you can know there's a photo shoot today with your friend, Adrien! Exciting, huh? I hope you are excited as much I am! So, dont be late!

Y: Oh! I almost forgot. The photo shoot is going to be right when you get out of school, right?

M: Yeah. Have a great day.

I dont mind doing another photo shoot with Adrien, but my 'hero life', what if someone gets akumatized! Something bad happens when I am really busy with school or photoshoots. Now, let's see Adrien's message,

A: Adrien, Y: Y/N

A: Good morning, Y/N!

A: ...

A: I was wondering if you'd like to go to school walking together. Answer asap!

Too late, Adrien..

Y: Good morning, Adrien. Sorry I didnt answer earlier. But, I'm in my limo rn.. IM REALLY SORRY ;;

A: Oh! It's okay! Im in my limo rn now 2. Maybe tomorrow?

Y: Sure!

A: ((:

I glanced over to my side and looked back to my phone.. wait, a limo? I quickly looked to my side, ADRIEN! I tapped on my window, my stupid self really though Adrien could hear me,

Y: Adrien! Look to the right

A: Okay?

Y: lmao sorry I meant your left

Adrien looked to his left and finally saw me, he kindly waved at me,

A: Oh! Haha

Y: :3

Y: Ttyl see u in school!

A: Bye, bye

I grabbed my phone and placed it inside my back pocket, that silly boy..

"We're here, Miss. Y/N" Driver Kim said as he stopped,

"Thank you, Driver Kim. See you later" I opened the car door, got off and closed the car door behind me, as I see to my left I see Adrien's limo pulling over too, I smiled and waited for Adrien to get off, Adrien got off and closed the door behind him,

A Magical Love ⎯ Adrien Agreste x Reader [UNDER CONSTRUCTION]Where stories live. Discover now