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Chapter 5

Ring ring*

Victoria: So what's happening now?

Margaux: I have him already --
Margaux looked outside the room, in the living room to be exact where Romeo was seating a few moments ago.

Magaux: Or maybe not...

Victoria: I thought you could find him in 2 --

Margaux: I found him already okay? It was my 1st day in New York city when I found him. The right word is "catch" I still haven't caught him, but we're working on that.

Victoria: Just make sure you'll get him to go to London before Christmas just like what we have dealt about.

Margaux: Of course. Trust me.

"Where is that punk again?" Margaux asked herself while looking for Romeo all around the house.

Romeo sneaked out the house. Even he has no where to go, he chose to leave even Margaux offered her a place to sleep.

Margaux looked at the CTV footage of the apartment and saw that he went away.

"That bastard..." She whispered.

Anyways, Margaux secretly placed a small spy camera on his nape and his bag to track him all the time.

He saw him go to a vape store, then the billiard store then he just went around NYC.

Margaux watched it all day.

"I think he's gonna get back in here." She told herself while drinking vodka and watching him walk on the sidewalk.

She knows he'll comeback. She knows he cannot leave.

Margaux made some fried shrimps and got more vodka.

About and hour or 2 of sitting outside the apartment door, Romeo rang the doorbell.

"Hey there." Margaux greeted.

Romeo went all the way to the couch exhausted. "Hey."

"Lets have some cup of Vodka and shrimps." Margaux offered.

This technique is called "Getting his trust first then finishing the mission" technique. She simply want to be friends with him so she can encourgae him more to go back to London.

Romeo walked towards the counter and imeadiately grabbed a shrimp.

"You're pretty exhausted huh?"

"Yeah I am. Vaughn, my only friend in New York, the one who helped me since day 1, just returned to Florida." He said while staring at the welcome plant by his side.

Margaux was a bit guilty. She hacked Vaughn's phone and texted that. Also the apartment one.

"And -- my apartment -- Oh god, I just lost everything. I only had 2 things and I lost them both." He said with frustration. Margaux was sad about it, though she was the one who made it.

She knows that Vaughn is just around there, and his apartment pay is not yet expiring.

"What are you saying?" Margaux said. "You got me. I'm a friend."

Romeo rolled his eyes on Margaux.

"Even though I really wanted to go and just forget we met, I can't. I don't have anywhere else to go."

"Why is that?" Margaux asked curiously. "Where's your family?"

"Let's not talk about that today." He said. "But the thing is, is it really okay -- if I sta --"

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