Episode 2: Sharpay and the Sleepover

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"So then Arnold and Minnie enter stage right," Kelsi Nielsen explained later that day during rehearsal after school. "And they sing 'Breaking Free' after Mrs. Schain unsuccessfully tries to split them up using her magic."

Troy and Gabriella were quickly getting used to the way rehearsals went for Twinkle Towne. Troy still struggled with expression, and Gabriella needed some work on her projection, but they found it easy to memorize their lines, especially when they studied the script together.

After they finished up "Breaking Free," Mrs. Darbus applauded from the front row of the auditorium. "Bravo! Brava!" Troy and Gabriella took mock bows.

Ryan Evans, who had taken the role of stage manager after losing the role of Arnold to Troy, called out "Take five, everyone!" and the actors and stage crew took a moment to relax.

"You're doing great, Troy," Kelsi gushed. Since Troy and Gabriella had won the lead roles with her help, Kelsi had really come out of her shell. "It still sounds as good as the day you performed it for the callbacks."

Gabriella took Troy's hand and leaned her head on his shoulder. "That's my Arnold."

"Isn't that sweet?" came the voice of Sharpay, who played Mrs. Schain. She strutted up beside Kelsi, Gabriella, and Troy, leaning on the upright piano used for rehearsals. "Gabriella, I must say you're doing a much better job than I thought you would."

"Thanks, Sharpay," Gabriella said, before turning to Kelsi. "Hey, Kels, you should come over tomorrow. Taylor and I are having a sleepover, and I've invited Martha too. It'll be fun."

Kelsi face brightened. "I'd love to come!"

Gabriella glanced at Sharpay, who was looking about as awkward as she could. "You could come too, Sharpay, if you want."

"Why would I willingly hang out with you?" Sharpay sneered. "Besides, my weekend plans are always so busy; I barely have time for my Boi." With that, she tossed her hair and sashayed away.

"You tried," Kelsi said. Gabriella shrugged.


"I'm getting worried about Taylor and Chad. They haven't spoken in over a day," whispered Gabriella to Troy the next day after school. They were sitting outside on the front steps, waiting for the sleepover girls to show up.

"Why are you whispering?" Troy whispered back, making Gabriella smile.

"All I'm asking is for you to talk to Chad. Try to find out what's wrong." When Troy looked skeptical, Gabriella pooched out her lower lip and batted her eyelashes. "Please? For me?"

"The things you do to me," Troy said in mock disapproval, and Gabriella laughed. Troy put his arm around her and kissed the hair right above her ear. "Okay. I'll talk to him. But no promises. He might not want to talk."

"Thanks for trying," Gabriella murmured gratefully.

"Are we interrupting?" Martha Cox teased as she and Kelsi strolled up from the direction of the school. As usual, Martha's backpack was weighed down with what looked like thirty pounds of books.

"No, Troy was just leaving." Gabriella stood and pulled her boyfriend to his feet, before gently pushing him away. "Talk to you later, babe. And don't forget what we talked about!"

When Troy was out of earshot, Kelsi and Martha leaned in to Gabriella confidentially. "What did you talk about?" Kelsi prompted.

"Taylor and Chad," Gabriella replied.

"Are they in a fight?" Martha asked. "I noticed Taylor was a little off today during our scholastic club meeting."

"I don't know what's wrong," Gabriella said, "but I was hoping to find out tonight. She gets really honest if we stay up super late."

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