Episode 10: Birthdays and Haircuts

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"Is this okay?" Troy asked when Gabriella opened her front door on Sunday morning. She had invited Troy to church with her, and his previous question was about his attire. Gabriella surveyed his damp hair, clearly just fresh from the shower, still containing visible ruts where it had been combed. His pale blue button-down (only slightly wrinkled) was tucked into his signature blue jeans. Black, scuffed up Converse completed the look.

Gabriella smiled. "Perfect."

"Troy!" came Mrs. Montez's shrill greeting. She came into the foyer a moment later. "Won't you come in? I have pancakes all ready for you."

"Thanks, Mrs. Montez." Troy followed Gabriella and her mom into the kitchen, which was warm and filled with golden, early-morning sunshine from the French doors opposite the breakfast nook. Troy slid into the nook as Mrs. Montez placed a steaming stack of fluffy pancakes in front of him. Gabriella brought out the maple syrup. He managed to put away the entire plate (as well as a plate of seconds!) in less than five minutes, just as it was time to leave for church.

"So, Troy, have you ever been to church?" Mrs. Montez asked over her shoulder as they drove down the street. With merely a look, she had made it clear that it would not be appropriate for the two of them to sit in the backseat together, and so Gabriella had taken shotgun while Troy had been relegated to the back.

"No, ma'am, I have not," Troy replied meekly. "But I believe in having an open mind."

"Good." The rest of the car ride was silent, with only one smile from Gabriella to comfort Troy. He knew going to church with the Montezs' would make or break Troy's popularity with Gabriella's mom. He hoped things went well.

Gabriella's church was what they called a "United Methodist" church, which Gabriella explained meant "traditional." Inside the church building, soft organ music gave the place a cushioned, muted feeling. The stained glass windows depicted different images, most of them unfamiliar to Troy; however, he did recognize Jesus on the cross. He knew some Christians wore cross necklaces. Troy was left sitting beside Mrs. Montez in the second pew from the front as Gabriella went to join the choir.

A woman preacher welcomed everybody to the church service and introduced "a time of worship." Troy stood with everyone else and followed along in the hymnbook as best he could when they sang songs. He fancied he could distinguish Gabriella's voice independently from the voices of the other choir members; he couldn't take his eyes off of her. The songs had weird lyrics--one of them talked about a thousand tongues singing. He did recognize "Amazing Grace," though. It had been sung at his great uncle's funeral last summer. As the voices of the church mingled with the organ music, and the colored light coming through the stained glass windows turned the choir robes pink, yellow, and blue, Troy felt he understood what church was all about, if only for that singular moment.

The sermon was a little boring to Troy. He tried to pay attention at first, but it almost seemed like the preacher was speaking a different language. He finally reverted to subtly doodling Jesus on the cross in the margin of his church bulletin.

After church let out, Gabriella met up with them in the parking lot. "So, what did you think?" she asked Troy.

Troy glanced at Mrs. Montez, choosing his words carefully. "It was . . . an intriguing experience."

To his relief, Mrs. Montez smiled and patted his arm. "I'm glad you thought so. I know it can be a bit odd at first. But I think you'll like our next Sunday tradition a little better."

"What's that?"

Gabriella grinned. "Lunch at Gustavo's."

Gustavo's Restaurant was the leading independent diner in town. It was famous for its "Secret Ingredient Meatballs." Troy licked his lips. "Let's go."

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