Episode 11: Reelections and Bowling Shoes

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Jeremy Block took a bite of his peanut-butter and mayonnaise sandwich thoughtfully. "A reelection, huh?" The typical lunch period cafeteria din almost drowned out his words.

"That's right," Taylor replied briskly. "Because we all know that's what you wanted anyway."

Jeremy met Taylor's eyes, and for a moment she saw something in his eyes that confused her. "All right. I agree to a reelection. Shall we say . . . Friday?"

Taylor choked on her own spit. "So soon?"

Jeremy smirked. "Unless you don't think you're up to it?"

"No, no, I'm up to it," Taylor said quickly. "Friday it is then." They shook hands on it, and as Taylor headed to the restroom to wash her hands for the rest of the lunch period, she thought, What have I gotten us into? Gabriella will not be pleased.

Gabriella caught up to Taylor in the bathroom. "Hey. How did it go with Jeremy?"

"Fine," Taylor said in a tight voice, hoping Gabriella wouldn't ask any further into the subject.

"Did you set a date?"

Taylor blanched and turned wide eyes on her best friend. "Date?!"

Gabriella raised an eyebrow. ". . . For the reelection?"

"Oh, that kind of date." Taylor laughed nervously and went back to pumping an inordinate amount of soap into her hands.

Gabriella narrowed her eyes in suspicion. "What kind of date did you think I meant?" Taylor didn't respond. Gabriella's jaw fell open. "No way."

"No way what?" Taylor's innocence was obviously faked.

"He likes you!"

"Whaaaat?" Taylor forced her mouth to close to keep her voice from escalating any higher.

"Jeremy Block has a crush on you! Omigosh, Taylor, that's why he's bringing this up! He's trying to get your attention!"

"If this is how he gets a girl's attention, then I hate to see the girl he doesn't like," Taylor muttered under her breath. She shut off the faucet and turned to Gabriella. "This is horrible! The reelection is totally compromised!"

"Chad will not be happy," Gabriella said.

Taylor's eyes became as wide as saucers. "He can't know. Gosh, I don't know what he would do to Jeremy if he found out."

Gabriella shrugged one shoulder. "Chad's pretty chill, though. I'm sure he'll be mature about it . . . right?"

They met eyes, and both of them knew Chad's reaction to this news would be completely and horrendously unpredictable.


Later that day after gym class, Troy, Chad, Zeke, and Jason were heading back to the locker rooms to shower and clean up. As they were changing back into their normal clothes after their showers, Troy took a deep breath and said, "Hey, Zeke, you like bowling?"

Zeke burst out laughing. "Dude, can you honestly see me bowling? They never have my shoe size anyway. I mean, have you seen my feet?" He held up his gargantuan foot for all to see.

"Bro, what size do you wear?" Chad chuckled. "A thousand?"

"Fifteen," Zeke corrected.

"Pretty close," Troy said, and they all laughed. Troy continued, "Hey, isn't that the same size as LeBron James?"

"Dude, how do you even know that?" Chad raised his eyebrows at Troy.

Zeke grinned. "How come you think I voted LeBron in that little debate you and Chad had the other day?"

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