The Fight

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After school, I decided to keep the note in my pocket so I could show it to the teacher if I got into trouble. I headed to the fountain as the note said but she wasn't there. I waited until I saw her and her two bratty followers. I sighed and smiled.

"What took ya so long?" I asked as I approached her.

"Well I'm sorry if I actually have a life and I'm busier than you." She snapped.

"Busier doesn't mean you are more important." She looked offended at my comment. "But I, on the other hand, only know the free life."

"What's your name brat?"

"Silver. And yours?"

"Britney." She snapped for what seemed like the 20th time. I was tired of talking and ready for a fight.

"Enough talking. I'm thirsty for a fight." I growled. She handed her followers her blinged out hot-pink purse and got in a weak fighting stance. She was bouncing back and forth, putting weight on her front foot and then her back. I got in a stronger fighting stance than she did and stayed still. I put my fists up to protect my face while my arms protected my chest. Meanwhile hers were down and she was holding her fist wrong. She had her thumbs in her fists. That was a big no-no if you didn't want broken fingers.

I cracked my neck and she looked a little disgusted. I did a fake out punch towards her face and she flinched as she put her weight on her back foot. I saw my chance as she started to put her weight back on her front foot. I did a sweep kick with my foot and she toppled over. People nearby were watching. I looked away for a second I felt a fist collide with the side of my face. It didn't do hardly any damage to me but it had injured Britney's hand. She screamed in pain and I raised an eyebrow as she ran away crying about her thumb. I rolled my eyes and started to walk away to Rascal's meeting place.

When I arrived, Rascal practically crushed me in a hug.

"Where were you!? You supposed to be here 20 minutes ago!" I looked up at him and his eyes widened. "What happened!?" I looked up confusedly at him. Then I tasted blood in my mouth. I licked my cut lip in confusion.

"What the?" I don't remember this ever being there or happening. "Weird..." I murmured. I wasn't supposed to bleed. Well, not really anyways. I was supposed to bleed negative energy and not blood. My eyes widened and I looked up at Rascal. We both knew what this meant. If I didn't get negative energy soon, I would become a human for the rest of my life. "Tonight," I told Rascal, "I need to harvest some dark energy." He looked at me, confused and started to argue but I stopped him. "I know I need it sooner but we can't risk getting caught by the Glitter Force." He nodded and took me back home, ordering for me to rest. I was going to have to preserve energy if I was going to make it to tonight.

As I tried to fall asleep, I felt worse and worse. I whimpered in pain as my body slowly and agonizingly transformed. I looked at the sky outside the cave and the moon wasn't at its peak in the sky yet. I sighed and got up but as I walked over to the entrance, I got a wave of pain and almost collapsed. Rascal appeared out of nowhere like his usual self and caught me. He supported me and let me lean against him as I caught my breath.

"I can get it for you and bring it back if you want." He suggested. I shook my head and refused.

"I can't afford for you to leave. I can get there and get the negative energy I need before I turn into a human." He nodded reluctantly and teleported me to the middle of the sleeping town. He took out the negative energy book and did his thing without speaking. The book was soon filled with negative energy and it all transferred into me. I instantly felt so much better and at the peak of my health.

I sighed in content and before I could do anything, Rascal embraced me in a hug. I could tell that he was scared for me turning into human and losing all of my memory. I hugged him back, glad to be back to my old self. Since I was still at my weakest state, I was still vulnerable to turning into a human but I just needed enough dark energy until I could transform into my actual self. I could sense that the time was soon. He wasn't letting go and I had just remembered I had homework to do.

"Um... Rascal? You can let go now." He stiffened, let go, and looked away nervously. "I have some homework to do, so can we go back?" He nodded and we teleported back to the cave. I sighed, grabbed my backpack and started to do my homework. I was okay at getting it done until I got to the math. It was Algebra 1 and I had no idea how to do it. I knew it affected my math grade if I failed the assignment but I sighed and started anyways.

My head wasn't clear enough for my liking so I took a break and decided to wander around in the woods. As I walked, I felt like something was off. I brushed the feeling off like it was nothing and soon found a clearing. I felt the full moon bathe me in its light. The off feeling came back and grew stronger and stronger as I walked to the center of the clearing. Pain suddenly shot through me and I collapsed on the ground after staggering a moment. I was on my hands and knees but was soon laying on my back with my vision fading in and out. I heard footsteps run towards me and Rascal was by my side with fear clear on his face.

"Illusion! Don't go! Come on, stay with me!" My body went limp and my neck relaxed, my head tilting sideways. My eyes closed and the last thing I remembered was a tear dropping on my cheek that wasn't my own.

Illusion (Rascal x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now