Chapter 1

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I've been hearing about Kuvira bringing chaos to everyone. Everyone is saying that she stabilized Ba Sing Se and was appointed as the nation's provisional leader. And she's not stopping there. She's setting out to reunite the rest of the kingdom. I was so mad cause that should be me, not her. Just because I'm stuck in a wheel chair doesn't mean someone else can take my place. So now I've been trying my best to bounce back and after months of training I'm finally able to walk again. But there's just one thing that I'm still having trouble with. I can't get back in the grove of fighting. I've been getting my butt kicked by losers all over the earth kingdom cause I've been joining in underground fighting. That's when I met Toph thanks to my spirit friend. She told me I still had poison inside me. I bended the rest of the poison out of me with the help of Jinora, Ikki, and Meelo, begging me to resume my Avatar duties to face Kuvira, and Toph telling me to let go of my fears. Now I'm going to Zaofu cause I heard that's where Kuvira is going.


"Are you sure we should be going to Zaofu? Dad wanted us to bring you back to Republic City" Jinora said.

"If Kuvira is heading to Zaofu, so am I. She needs to know that the Avatar is back. The world needs to know" I say.

"Woohoo! Avatar fight! This is going to be awesome!" Meelo screams out in excitement.

I chuckle "Meelo there is not gonna be a fight. Kuvira saved my dad. She was a captain and Su's guard. I think she can be reasoned with"

"What?! No fight?! Why did we go through all that trouble to save you if your not going to beat someone up?!" he spats and pouts. I don't say anything. "I'm going to see if we're close to Zaofu" he grabs the telescope and walks over to the front of the saddle and looks out to see if we're close to arriving at Zaofu. About 20 minutes later we arrive.

"I see it! Zaofu! We made it!" He says. "And a bunch of other people are here too"

I look too and becomes worried when a lot of her troops are already there. "Oh no. I hope we're not too late"

We land and heads inside. I open the doors and walks inside. Su, her husband, and Opal are talking while Wing, Wei, and Huan are listening to what they're saying. They look this way and become shocked.

"Korra?" Su says and comes to hug me "I can't believe it. Where have you been?" she pulls away and looks at me "You disappeared. Everyone was so worried"

"I'll tell you the whole story later. Right now I want to help you stop Kuvira. What can I do?"

"Come with me. We need to talk"

I follow her outside and we go to the little gazebo.

"How did things get so bad between you and Kuvira? I thought she was your protege?" I ask.

"She was more than that. She was like a daughter to me. I took her in when she was eight years old and nourished her talents. Kuvira was smart, a natural leader, and quickly rose through the ranks. I saw myself in her"

"What happened?"

"Three years ago, after the fall of the Earth Queen, Raiko and Tenzin came to see me"

"The Earth Kingdom is in chaos. There's a vacuum of power, and I'm concerned about what will happen if someone doesn't take control of the
situation" Raiko says.

"And do you think I should be the one?" Su says.

"You're the perfect person to take charge. The world leaders trust you, and as a Beifong, you have credibility in the Earth Kingdom" Tenzin says.

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