Chapter 3

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I got dressed in new Southern Water Tribe clothes and now I'm pacing back and forth in my room cause I don't know if I want to see Asami. What if she pushes me away? What if she doesn't want to talk to me? I take a deep breathe and lets it out and leaves to go see her. I grab my glider and flies to her mansion. When I land right in front of the door my heart races again. I take a deep breathe and knocks.

I hear heels clacking against the floor, locks unlocking, and the door opens.

I clear my throat "I hope you haven't been waiting long" I say nervously.

She doesn't say anything. She just stares at me like she sees a ghost.


Still nothing and I panic and starts to sweat. Before I can say anything a slap to the face makes me become shocked.

"Don't you DARE try to pretend everything is okay!"

I don't say anything but just stand where I'm at and stare at the floor.

"Lying to us for months, doing spirits knows what, then finally just...just turning up here everything will go back to normal?!"

I look ashamed.

"Do you know how worried we were?! How worried I was?!"

"It had nothing to do with you" I slip.

Before I can apologize that I said that, fists clench my shirt collar and I get pulled inside. She closes the door with her foot and pushes me back hard making me slam into the door. Asami steps closer to me and yells in my face at the top of her lungs.


I look down.

"WHY CAN'T YOU EVEN LOOK AT ME?!" her voice cracks a little.

A hand on my cheek makes me look into watery green eyes and a tear runs down her cheek.

"Why didn't you let me come with you?" she starts breaking down in tears and I pull her in for a soothing hug and she doesn't push back. She cries on my shoulder and I rub her back.

"I know. I'm sorry. Please don't cry Asami"

"U should have let me come with you, Korra"

"I'm sorry. I just needed to be alone"

"But why?" she looks up at me "I could have helped you. I could have been by your side. I could have taken your nightmares away. I could have helped you heal. But you didn't let me"

"I'm sorry okay? Please forgive me. I never meant for this to happen. I never meant to be gone all those years. I just needed more time to heal. To figure out what was wrong with me. But believe me when I say this. I wanted to come back, Asami. I wanted to see everyone again. I wanted to get back in action again. I wanted to be the Avatar the people needed again. But I just couldn't and I'm sorry. Can you please forgive me?"

She just stares at me for a while and I have a feeling she won't. Until her lips crash on mine. I become shocked but then I melt into the kiss. She places her hands on my cheeks and deepens the kiss. I can't help but moan and place my hands on her hips. She pins me against her and the door and keeps kissing me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2017 ⏰

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