Day 105

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Today when I came in class and sat down there was no note from Shawn

there was no anything from Shawn

damn, I must've really grinded his gears

but how did he think I felt when he kept pressuring me into opening up to him when I didn't feel like it.

I pulled out my pen and pressed it onto the desk I began to formulate a message

"What are you doing in here?"

I looked up and my eyes focused on Ms. Johnson who was staring at this very attractive boy rather intensely

the boy shifted his eyes around the classrooom and licked his lips quickly

"What? spit it out you're interrupting my lesson."

"Sorry. I left my book in here can I go get it?"

"Hurry up."

as he walked down the aisle our eyes connected and I immediately looked away and began to write on the desk

"Shawn did I take it too far yesterday?"

as I finished writing I felt a hand brush up against my leg I looked under the desk only to see the boy on his knees struggling to slide the book from underneath my feet I laughed a little as I kicked him the book he smiled shyly "Thanks."

"You owe me a dollar now I don't just kick anyone books for free." I winked

"Well I'm glad you made an exception for me." he said smiling the most beautiful smile I've ever seen

my heart fluttered as he stood up and his eyes scanned over the desks surface his eyes widened a bit as his lips parted slowly

"Shawn!" Ms. Johnson yelled



as in the boy I've been writing shawn?

I looked up again and he looked back at me and quickly looked away

"I'm sorry Ms. Johnson I'm leaving." Shawn whispered as he expeditiously exited the classroom

my mouth was gaped open as I stared at the door way

I can't believe he was right in front of me

I pressed the pencil to the desk and erased the message I had written earlier

"If you were scared to meet me because you thought I would judge how you look you're wrong Shawn you're absolutely breathtaking I couldn't keep my eyes off of you and I thought you were attractive before but my god.."

that's too much

I erased that too

"Can we talk?"

Desk Notes ✧ S.M. Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu