Chapter Four

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Another update! I'm planning on continuing this story now to see where it goes, but if I do so, then I'm in desperate need of a new cover. If anyone can make me a new one then please do! Thanks and enjoy the chapter :)

"I told him that I don't do relationships, and yet he still follows me around like a lost puppy asking if I want to be his girlfriend," Jane rants, flipping her hair over her shoulder as she lies on her stomach atop her bed.

While she's talking about boys, my mind is wandering on about a few different things.

"I don't know what to tell him anymore. I don't want to be a bitch, but I have to be, or else he won't get the hint. I told him that I don't want to go out with him, and I even told him that I was hooking up with Jonathan Parker, but he didn't stop," Jane continues.

My fingers twitch toward my phone when I think about how my mom still hasn't called to explain why Danny was in the hospital yesterday.

"I mean, really? You're that desperate for a girlfriend that you don't mind I've been hooking up with Jonathan freaking Parker?" She drones.

My thoughts shift to the game tonight, and I inwardly cringe at our probable loss. This morning at practice, Brady O'Donnell looked like as good of a quarterback as my dead dog. He couldn't complete any passes, nor did he know how to throw the ball away during an impending sack.

"Hello, earth to Lily," Jane says, and I blink before glancing at her exasperated expression. "Were you listening to anything I was saying?"

Sheepishly, I try, "Jonathan Parker?"

She rolls her eyes and then looks at me seriously. "What's on your mind, Lil? You've been zoned out all day."

I think about telling her of Danny's trip to the hospital yesterday, or maybe about my own trip to the medic center with Vincent, but instead, an automated response leaves my lips.

"Just tired," I shrug, waving off her concern with yet another lie.

Jane eyes me suspiciously. "You sure?"

I plaster a fake smile on my lips. "Positive." And then, looking for any out of the conversation I can get, I check the time and see that I should leave for the game soon. "I've got to head to the stadium."

Jane believes my lies and smiles brightly at me as I get off my bed. "'Kay! Tell the boys hi for me."

I give her a blank look. "No."

She pouts, "Why?"

"You know why," I point a finger at her accusingly. "You will not mess with my friends."

Jane grins devilishly and laughs, and then bids me goodbye as I leave my dorm. I shake my head at the crazy girl. Jane was beautiful, and had the entire population of boys falling at her feet. And, naturally, she loved it. Jane wasn't like normal girls; she didn't want a relationship or any of that sappy shit. No, she just wanted a hookup.

She was more of a player than Vincent, and that said a lot. She could get with any guy she wanted and have them wanting more, so I refused to let her make any advances on the guys on the football team. I was friends with Jane, and I've seen the way she plays guys. I wouldn't let her do it to my guy friends on the team.

I head to the stadium earlier than usual because I didn't feel like spilling my feelings to Jane, so when I arrived, I was the first one there. I grabbed the medical bag and first aid kit from Sandra's office before heading to the field, intent on sitting on the sidelines scrolling through social media until people arrived.

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