Chapter 4

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Later That Night

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Later That Night

Bradley gets out of his car parked in front of Elizabeth. He told her to dress nice, but not elegant. He walks up her stairs, then he proceeds to knock on her door. But Elizabeth doesn't come out. He then knocks on her door again hopefully she just fell asleep. But time goes by and Elizabeth still hasn't come out. Bradley then begins to walk to his car, but while he was walking down the steps Elizabeth walks out looking fantastic.

She's wearing a big red coat, that concealed what she was wearing under the coat, and she also wore a matching red fishnet veil. "Wow! You look great." Bradley says as he walks back up the stairs to be face to face with Elizabeth, well more of look down since he was taller than her. "Sorry I took so long I was deciding if I should wear pants." Elizabeth says then pulling Bradley close. "And I didn't." Elizabeth whispers seductively into Bradley's ear that causes his manhood to get hard. Bradley regains his composure and walks Elizabeth to his car, opening the door for her so she could get in.

He gets in his side of the car and they drove off to their destination. The drive there was amusing for Elizabeth, but unbearable for Bradley. Through the long drive Elizabeth hand would feel on Bradley's manhood and feel how hard it got making Bradley want to pull over and take Elizabeth in the backseat, but he was able to control himself through the long ride. He'd had to admit he was not use to Elizabeth acting like him when he tries to woo her, but he doesn't quite hate it because she dresses sexy now.

As they stopped at what Elizabeth assumes is a park, Bradley jumps out of the car to go to the trunk of the car and pull out a blanket. He then opens the passenger door so Elizabeth can get out. The two cross the street walking into the park, then Elizabeth entangles her hand with Bradley's as the reach the center of the park to see there showing a movie. "Shakespeare in the park?" Elizabeth asks. "Yes." Bradley says. "Which one?" Elizabeth asks. "I believe its Macbeth." Bradley says as he lays the blanket on the grass.

"A story of a man who couldn't play the waiting game." Elizabeth says as Bradley helps sit on the blanket. "But why should he wait instead of go after what he wants." Bradley says as he lays back on the blanket. "It was in the prophecy he would be king he just couldn't wait to be king, his ambition ot the best of him." Elizabeth explains. "But what if that was the only way to be king. What if his ambition was the only way for him to be king." Bradley says. "Well you maybe right, but didn't his ambition lead him to his demise?" Elizabeth asks.

"What's you point?" Bradley asks. "Would your ambition for your goals be worth it if it would onl lead to your demise?" Elizabeth says. "Sometimes its worth it because even in your grave you'll be able to say I achieved your goals." Bradley says. Elizabeth turns to look at Bradley. "You've read the book." Elizabeth says, surprised at the conversation she actually had with Bradley. "Yes I have and you have yourself. I have to say I'm very surprise." Bradley says. "Is that so?" Elizabeth says.

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