Chapter Two

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Corellia, a place of scum, and lovely woman that may just kill you if you stare, though if they don't, their husbands will. Solo's home planet, he hated going here, it only reminded him of his childhood and teenage years. Years he sometimes wished he could erase from his memory.
As he walked off the Falcon towards town, he was immediately met with a sales person trying to sell him some worthless Droid, which seemed as if it didn't even work.
He brushed him off and kept his trail, looking for the jeweler store he had seen ever since he was a kid "Corellian Jewelers" it was named. It had been some time since he had been there, yet he always recognized it. As gaze spied around, he noticed everyone had a very strong Corellian accent, or they were simply talking Correlian. He only spoke a few words, after all those years.
After a while he came to what seemed a shopping center. He sighed and started searching for the jewlers.

Leia was back in their room tidying it up. Thoughts were racing through her mind why Han would lie to her saying he was going on a supply run for Mon. She decided to call him and see what was going on. She sat on the bed and picked up her comlink and called him.
But, no answer.
She tried again and again, but still no answer.
Leia's heart sank with worry. But then she thought about calling Chewie to see if he'd answer.
She then called his com.
Then finally she got an answer from the friendly Wookie

"Chewie!" She said almost yelling in the comm "Are you with Han?!"
He growled in a negative tone.

A shiver flew down her spine "where is he then?" She said a little more calmly

Chewie explained to her that he left for a bit, and didn't want to take him

Leia let out a little "huh," and scratched her head

she continued "Thanks Chewie, talk to you later"
he growled polity,  then killed the com.

Han had been walking around for what seemed days trying to find the store, and everyone he'd try to ask would just walk away and ignore him. Just as he was going to give up he had started down what looked like the same block. He saw a building that looked fairly old, at least older than the other buildings. Han looked at the sign, it read 'Corellian Jewelers'
His face lit up, and he rushed through the traffic of people to it.

Onxe he got there, the door slid open and he entered.

"Hello, sir, can I help you?" The store keeper said

He was an older man with a heavy Correlian accent
Han had a stupid sheepish grin "Yes, yes you can,"

the keeper gave him a little bit of a weird look
"What can I help you with then?"

Han leaned on the counter "I'm looking for Alderaanian rings, you got any?"
the keeper nodded and unlocked one of the cases behind them and took out a board with a row of about 10 rings, then set them in front of Han

"These are our most expensive rings, they range from 100,000 credits to 500,000. Since Alderaan was destroyed these beauties are very rare."

Han felt as if his jaw dropped to the floor "Could I pay you half, then half later?"

The keeper scratched his neck "I don't know. These are worth a lot, only if you'd pay it back in a week-"

"Yes, please. I promise I will pay for it" Han felt himself almost begging him.

the keeper sighed "right then.. which one you like the most?"

Good Times In Hard Times [Han X Leia] (REVISED)Where stories live. Discover now