Another Stoner

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Jack's POV
As Elsa was driving me home I was thinking about the fact that the girl I barely met is a stripper.. I mean I don't mind her being a stripper.. I'm an alcoholic and a stoner so yeah.. Throughout my ride home there was an awkward silence.. We soon arrived at my house.. "You live here right?" She asked. I looked out the window seeing a small house.. "Yeah it's here.. thanks for the ride here if you want I can give you some mon-" Then she interrupted my sentence.. "No no no you can have it, besides I offered to give you a ride home.."  She said smiling "Are you sure?" I asked with 20 dollars in my hand.. "Yeah it's fine.."  I nod "Alright.." She was about to leave.. "Wait!" She looked up at me "What?" She asked. "I was wondering if you could stay with me but just for this night.." I said scratching the back of my head. She looked at me "Um I'm not sure.." She said unsure about the question I just asked. "I won't hurt you or touch you in any way I swear to God.." She kept looking at me.

Elsa's POV
I just looked at Jack. Not knowing what to say. "But aren't you drunk?" I asked. "I did drink but I can control it, I only drank a cup of vodka.." He said said trying to reassure me.. I thought for a minute. "Sure.." I said smiling a bit.. He smiled in return. He then closed the door of the passenger seat and went and opened the door for me.. "Why thank you" I smile warmly. Jack then leads me inside his house "Wow it's really nice in here and what's that smell.."  I said smelling the odor. "Oh my god I'm so sorry it's just I lit up a blunt before I left I'm very sorry.." He said sheepishly.. "Do you still have some left?" I asked "Excuse me?" He asked rather shocked... "Do still have weed with you I've been wanting to smoke some since the longest time but I ran out..." He looked at me then smiled a bit.. "Sure come this way.." I nodded as we arrived to his room.. His room was painted black and white and it he had posters of  The Weeknd and Drake he had a twin sized bed that can fit two people. He then got out a huge bag of marijuana from his drawer.. "Mother of God..." I said looking at the bag filled with weed.. He chuckled "Beautiful isn't it?" He said as he kissed the bag. "Yes it really is.." He takes out papers for the blunts that is..  He takes a small amount of weed and rolls up me up a blunt.. "Want me to light it up for you?" He asked. I smiled "Sure" I said. He gets his lighter out and lights it up for me and hands it to me.. "Thank you so much.." I said as I take my first puff to the blunt.. He rolls up a blunt for himself as well then lighting it up and started smoking it.. "Man I haven't smoked in a while.." I said with a giggle. He chuckled "So how long have you been smoking or when did you start smoking?" He asked curiously "I started since I was 16 and when did you start smoking?" I asked. "I started smoking weed since I was 14.." I was utterly shocked at his answer.. "Wow.." Was all I could say.. He smirked "Yup.. Mary Jane has been there for me since my teenage years.." I nodded as I kept smoking my blunt..

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