The Appointment

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Jack's POV
I woke up with a throbbing head.. I brushed my teeth and showered then I finished changing in my clothes.. I went to the kitchen about to cook myself something until I find Elsa cooking something already.. "Morning?" I said shocked looking at her up so early cooking breakfast... "Oh morning Jack" she smiled lightly. "You didn't have to cook breakfast, I could've cooked.." Elsa looked up at me "No it's alright I got it." I slowly nodded feeling a little bad for her having to cook for me, I am the one who should be cooking for her.. And I'm not that type of person who says 'oh cook for me' or shit like that. My mom taught me not to let a woman do all the work and to help her with chores and errands and all that.. Elsa placed a plate that had egg, bacon and pancakes.. I admit she cooks better than me, I mean I do know how to cook well but damn she cooks 100 times better.. I started eating my breakfast as Elsa started eating hers as well. "This tastes fucking good.." Elsa giggled "Why thank you.." I nodded "You slept on the couch right?" I asked as I took a sip from my juice. She nodded while slowly chewing her pancakes.. "Oh okay just wondering oh and today I have an appointment with my psychiatrist.." I said the last part in a quiet tone.. Elsa nodded in understanding. As soon as we finished Elsa left to her house and I left to my psychiatrist appointment.. My psychiatrist is a girl named Tooth she has her hair dyed in rainbow colors.. (A/N like Tooth's feathers in ROTG)  I was sitting in the waiting room and saw a few people until Tooth called me in..  I went inside the counselling room also known as her office..

Tooth's POV
"Morning Jack.." I greeted him as he came in my office. "Oh morning Miss Tooth.." I giggled "Jack I told you before just call me Tooth.." Jack chuckled softly. "Sorry.." I nodded "It's alright, anywho how have you been?" I asked. "I'm ehh okay I guess.." He shrugged. I looked at him "Okay, and have you been cutting?" He shakes his head no.. Not believing him I asked him to show me his arms.. He showed me his arms and there wasn't a scar in sight.. "Okay good, and are you taking your medication?" He nodded again. So far he's doing good I'm glad he's doing well.. I smiled warmly "I'm glad your doing well Jack I'm proud of you.." He smiled "Thanks Tooth it really means a lot coming from you.." I nodded "Your welcome Jack, well that's all for today" I said as I closed my folder, that folder had some of Jack's personal information and the mental illnesses he has.. "Thanks again Tooth.." He said smiling. I smiled back and waved goodbye, as he left..

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