Chapter 6

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You give Chica her food and walk into the lounge room, "Well, hopefully she eats now." you say, smiling, but Mark just give you a look of surprise, "What?" you ask, looking at yourself then noticing Chica just sat in front of you, you groan and walk back into the kitchen, she goes straight to her bowl, "Mark, I really don't think I can leave ever again" You say, sitting in the chair you sat in this morning.

Mark walks in with a stressed look on his face, "You said you have to go back to New York in two weeks was it?" he asks, leaning on the kitchen counter, "Yes, I do" you sigh, putting your head on the table and watch Chica scoff her food down.

Mark moves over to the table, "Would you be able to stay here for a few days just so I can sort something out with Chica?" Mark asks, you look at him, your face scrunching up confused, "wouldn't it be better for me to stay away?" you ask, sitting up and tilting your head.

Mark's POV

I think for a moment of an excuse, "Maybe it could be better for her to get bored of you?" I say unsure, she looks at Chica, "Yeah, I'll just ring Mum to bring my stuff around?" She questions getting her phone out, I nod and look at Chica, "I hope she does get bored, I don't want you to go home and she just sits at the door all the time" I say, but I think to myself I hope she doesn't get bored so I can make up more excuses for her to stay.

Your POV

You walk into the lounge room, Chica obviously follows, and ring your Mum to make sure she gets your stuff.

*time skip*

"I know this was supposed to be family time but I just want to help Chica!" you say to your mum as she hands you your pillow, "No, no! The puppy needs to get over you so you can go home!" your mother says with a huge smile, "Thanks, Mum." you say, putting your stuff on the floor beside you, "I'll see you in a few days!" she says, giving you a hug, and then walking down the pathway back to her car.

You wait till she leaves to shut the door, as you shut the door, Chica seems to know what's going on and jumps onto you and licks your face, "I don't know if she will get bored of you, Y/N..." Mark says, grabbing your stuff and walking away towards the stairs, "No, I'll take them up, and I really don't know what to do if she doesn't get bored of me." you say, petting Chica's head.

You walk towards where Mark had put your two bags and your pillow, Putting the pillow around your neck, you grab the handles of the bags, carrying them up the stairs, halfway up, your pillow falls off your back and falls on the floor, "Just leave it, I'll come back for it." you say, just in case Mark was gonna help.

You get to the spare room and put your bags down, turning around to go back for your pillow, but you took one step and realise Chica was sitting in front of you, with your pillow in her mouth, she looks like she's smiling...

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