Rob Stark

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(It's long but the end is great. Just bear with me people.)

Lilah's POV
Rob has always been my friend since we were young and running about with Jon Snow. Jon Snow, he was always a good best friend no less and no more. But when Rob would come around I would get beyond flustered and blushed. I was, well its to long a story to explain.

Long story short, Rob and I have been lying together since we were fifteen. I was noble born but he is still My lord. And he tells me to call him rob all the time. I tease him with that. Still
I call him my lord when people are around. Although Rob and I have never been in a relationship we still have affairs privately. Its was never romantic when we did what we did. When he found out I was leaving it stopped being fucking and was more making love. He didn't say that but that's what it was.

He found out I was leaving before I did. I was to go home to attend a funeral and a wedding. I left 2 months later to attend my uncles funeral goodbye thingy. Never met him before. And of course I was to help Athena get ready for her wedding. A spoiled sister.

I'm now on my way back to Winterfell. The reason I'm staying at Winterfell is a REAL long story. But the one thing I really missed was Rob. I say 'Missed' because I'm on a horse closing in on the entrance to Winterfell A whole YEAR and a half later.

It's been too long. Long enough if anyone in the world were to ask me. The banners of direwolves assures me that I'm home as they hang above my head while the gate opens. The first one to enter the gate would be Celestial my direwolf. I found her right after I got here in the godswoods. She was injured while very small. She is big now with 2 pups of her own. The father being Rob's direwolf.

They all wait in a line as my father approaches the starks first while the wolves meet for the first time as well as saying hello again. He came out of no where wrapping his hands around my waist while kissing me deeply.
A "Robb Eddard stark!" was heard from Lady Catelyn surprisingly as this was the first time she saw us in this manor. Rob immediately stopped and let go whilst standing at my side looking somewhat smug. I however was so blushed I bet I looked like an apple with fair skin. Lord Eddard and my father looked like they were up to something. After that blessed reunion and an awkward evening.

As all of us were sitting there at the dinning table in the glorious dinning hall with it nearly full. Everyone as far as thee I can see they're celebrating. I remembered I have presents in a bag right by my hip being hidden by my cloak. I instantly pull it out and untie it from my belt.

"You've gotten oh SO tall and oh so beautiful my dear!" Lady Catelyn says with such happiness. I look up to see everyone with their eyes locked on me somewhat mesmerized.

"Well My lady, Heavens island has always been good to me." I smiled showing my dimples genuinely happy to be here.

"Every one has grown since I left. Its still somewhat the same as I remember buy I truly missed it." Everyone looked happy and robed looked flushed. "Oh that reminds me, I brought presents for the children!" I smiled because I was always a fun person when it came to presents.
I always got a present according to the person personality. Everyone called me a good gift giving person.

"Oh! This one is for Lady stark."

Rob's POV

She pulled out a good sized little box then handing it to mother. Mother looked at it first admiring the craftsman of the box with small carvings of mermaids and whales. Though opening it made her nearly burst in to tears at the sight of a .. Purple rose?

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