Bran Stark

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"Little one, would you mind going to tell Bran to hurry. And help him if he needs it? We need to be leaving by noon." Lord Eddard asked of me making my stomach do flips. I couldn't tell Lord Stark "no", now could I?

"Yes, My Lord." Was all I said as I nodded and headed towards Bran's Bed chamber. I've always like Bran since I was little. He never knew I liked him in that way. Ever since we went through growth spurts he's gotten more confident around me. Especially when no one is around.

So him and I, Alone, In a room with a lock. In his room might I add. It made me feel like I'm on edge.

Step by step I make my way to his room slowly knocking on that hard wood. "Enter!" Yelled a Husky voice. I did. And there he was lacing his pants while shirtless. He had just started lacing them up before I knocked on the door, revealing a bit of skin I didn't know I was craving to get a peek of. He didn't know it was me when I knocked but when he saw me he smiled. As I stood before him frozen for a few seconds realizing what he was doing before I quickly turned around. The thought runs cross my mind "Did he see me sneak a peek?". He must have by the small smirk that is spread across his lips.

"Erm. I didn't know you were uh. I-I'll wait outside." Was the only thing I could get out. I was so embarrassed. He was shirtless and I liked it. His stomach and oh Gods I should stop.

"You're fine." Was all he said to me. What does that mean? Well I know what it means but... He wants me to stay, oh gods. He's been doing things to me like this for not long now. It makes me blush and he loves it, i know he does.

"Um-uh. You. You only have your pants on, bran." I stayed where I was waiting for him to answer but all I heard was the sound of his feet taking steps towards me. He wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me back to meet his bare chest. I couldn't help but gasps as he did, the body contact made me involuntarily shiver. Nervousness consumes me as he chuckles while pulling all my hair off of my left shoulder and resting to my right one. He left kisses from my shoulder to my neck attempting to get a rise out of me. I not knowingly tilt my head to the right as he continues kissed my neck. Abruptly he stops making me miss his lips peppering gentle kisses on my neck.

Hands still on my waist he turns me around swiftly and I'm met with his bare chest. Lifting my chin my gaze meets with his smirk. "You know, love, I can take them off. If you want." He looks down motioning to his pants and I look too. When I looked up I blushed so hard versus his broad smirk hinted with lust. What do I say to that? Did he really say that. What was I here for again?

"Bran. I-I-I. Y-Y-You." I cleared my throat and looked up. "You have to hurry, um, they want to leave by noon." I tried to be serious but it was as if the gods had no care in the world. Just then Lightning roared in the skies above following with a light trickle of rain, within second the rain began to pour hard followed by the sound of thunder.

Both of our gazes were diverted to the ceiling. Once Bran's gaze was directed at me I looked at the ground to avoid looking him directly in the eye. "I bet that the journey has been put off for a day or two, due to the rain." The cockiest smirk was spread across his lips as he pulled me closer by my hips to meet his. The door was closed at this point as he had backed me against it like I was his prey.

A smirk still plastered on his face as he leans in slowly to whisper in my ear; "I wonder if they'll be able to hear you scream my name over the thunder and rain." Completely flustered by his words a blush crept it's way onto my cheeks staining them a crimson red.

Breaking the sexual tension for a split moment there was a knock on the door by none other than Robb. "Bran, father said we're to leave tomorrow morning. So get some sleep." There was a loud silence on our side if the door before bran said back. "Thanks brother, is that all?" He squeezed my ass once before pulling me closer.

"Father wanted to know if you've seen y/n?" Was heard as you can see irritation on Bran's face. He looked as he was contemplating what to say.

Once again a cocky smirk made it's way to his face as he looked me dead in the eye. "Yeah, we're getting some sleep."

Hearing a laugh outside the door earned me sly grin from bran as the sound of footsteps lead away from his door. The further the steps got the more my confidence grew. If bran wants to be such a fucking tease then 2 can play at this game.

Looking up at him whilst he wears a smirk with his hands wrapped around my waist holding me close. I can't help but take advantage and lean in grabbing his chin gently letting my kiss linger for a couple seconds. Shock apparent on his face replaced with a smile. Running my fingers in his hair as I pull him closer to me for another soft kiss. That kiss was only the beginning.


He was surprised by her pulling him in for a kiss. It was so soft and gently that it made him forget teasing her. He had a longing look in his eye when he looked at her that everyone but her seemed to notice. He grew fond of her as children, but watching her grow into the beauty he always saw made him want her to notice him. The older they grew the more he realized his affects on her, making him initiate these sort of things. Such as making her blush by whispering dirty thing in her ear. The first thing he ever said to make her turn beyond red was when Jon was teaching Rickon how to fight and said to him "You know which end to stick em with, right?". To which bran whispered in her ear "I'll stick you with my point end."

From that moment on she was always blushing at the sight of him. So if this was her moment to make him feel flustered, she missed it. However, she did succeed in getting him to ask for more. After the second kiss they stopped to catch their breath and he lifted her up holding her above him easily.

"Continue, please?"

They didn't stop that night. Nearly all of Winterfell heard her scream his name in pleasure, all night long

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