My job

539 17 2

Peridot pov

Man I love my job being a demon is the best thing in the world. Some how making people lives miserable is just so satisfying I don't know why. Most of my victims were male I rarely ever got female victims. Which I think is a good thing. Mostly because I kinda think there annoying at times. Well besides that I'm actually the youngest demon in hell. Also the strongest and I'm only seventeen. Well I'm not the strongest because the devil the king of all demons is the strongest I guess I'm the second strongest. He actually cool when you get to know him I guess. He treats me like his son kinda well its better than being tortured. I wonder who is going to be my next victim. The last one I had was a guy in his late twenties I think I can't really remember his name though oh well. I think he became an angel. I swear those angels are boring all they do is save people and nothing else. I don't think I could do that for the rest of my life.

Out of know where a demon came up to me. I don't really know this guy I wonder if new. Well actually I wouldn't know because I really don't talk to anyone and I don't have any friends.

Demon- "Peridot. "He said in really creepy and kinda scratchy voice which scared me little.

Peridot- "y-yes."

Demon- "the devil wants to see you"

Peridot- "for what?"

Demon- "he has a job for you. "He whisper " its a new victim you can play with."

I then jumped in the air and screamed yes. As that the demon left and continue what ever he was doing before to inform me about the new job I had. After I was done jumping of joy I then started to head to the Castle where Satan lived. It was really big and also creepy when ever you got there you could always see bats. When I finally got there I opened the two gigantic doors that looked like mid evil  door form the olden days.

When I went inside I saw Satan sitting on his thrown. He was really big also red. That color really suited him heheh.

Peridot- "hey there big red." Big mistake of my life well then I'm going to be thrown in the pit of fire.

Satan- "why hello peridot and please call me Lucifer heheh" man his laugh is just terrifying

Peridot- "okey-dokey Lucifer so I heard you had a job for me." I was really excited to see who my next victim was and how fun we were going to have with each other heheh. I can wait to make there life a living hell.

Lucifer- "Ah yes you heard right. Her name is-"

Peridot-"Wait her?" My person was a girl oh great.

Lucifer-"Yes and here name is lapis lazuli she is the same as you oh how lucky heheh. Well anyway she is located in beach city and goes to gem high.

What she is the same age as me I usually never get anyone the same age as me well lazuli I'm going to make you have very special life hehe. Then the king goes down and look straight into my eyes with felt like he pierced them.

Lucifer-"So are you up for the job?" His voice made me tremble in fear I then gulped on nodded in agreement. He then gave me a evil grin" good. You know what Peridot you really remind me of myself.

Peridot-" I do?"

Lucifer-"Well yes of course. I was once young like you brave, handsome, smart, and the love to make lives miserable.

Peridot-"But you are still all of that sir."

Lucifer-"Oh you don't have to tell me that I have my demon servants to tell me that see." He then pointed at the direction of some of his servants.

Peridot-"Oh, well then I think it's about time I go to the human world to start my work."

Lucifer-" Yes indeed also don't for get to go into your human form I don't want you to get caught your like a son to me. And make sure to make that girls life into a living hell.

Peridot-"Ok I will try my best."

As that I left the castle and headed to the portal to the human world. I put in the coordinates to where I had to go and then jumped right into the portal. Before I new it I was already in beach city. I made sure to disguise myself to look normal well actually I look the same just without the horns wings and tail. I basically look the same. But made sure to have a different outfit. In on snap of a finger. I was wearing a gray t-shirt and with a black motorcycle jacket. With black pants and some boots. I then made a a motorcycle appear along side with a phone cause why not. I then go on the motorcycle and drove to find gem high. It a Monday so this girl has to be at school. Well it looks like I'm going back to school well high school I should say. I wonder how this is going to turn out. With that said peridot then started the motorcycle and headed off.

Well I hope you guys liked this new story I kinda like how this turning out. Well I think I'm going to take a little break from the other story and focus on this one for a while but I will still post on my other story now and then. Well bye until next chapter.

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