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Peridot pov

This is quite interesting if I do say so myself.She shouldn't be having these extreme nightmares. Especially supernatural ones that can actually do her harm or give her treasures. Well she can get them as long as other being is doing this to her and I know I didn't do this. So which means there is someone else that is doing this to her. Could it be an angel no it can't be it was too extreme and normally angels give pleasant dream that are suppose to make them more relaxed. It could be possibly be another demon or a dark sprit since we are able to do harm and give nightmares to the ones that we pray on. But also it can't be another demon since this girl was assign to me but that still doesn't mean that they still won't that they won't go after her I haven't really marked her as my territory.So she easily picking to ever gets to her first hmm ugh this is so frustrating. Who could possibly want this girl is it possibly that she could of angered another being and now they decide to come for her. Now that I think about there was more than one presence one that was familiar it felt warm. It was trying to help her, keep her safe it even gave her little gifts that was able to help her during the dream. But it was also to leave her with a necklace when she woke up. And it seemed like it was important since the girl apparently knew who owned the necklace and had some short of connection with it. Well now I have to get to the bottom of who is trying to get her before me. While also dealing with someone trying to keep her safe form any harms way well this sure is gonna make this job more interesting and difficult for me how lucky am I. I guess I'm gonna end up spending more time with this girl than I was hopping for great. this day is just gonna end up as another observation day since I need to figure out who are after her first before I can do anything.

Lapis pov

Before I head downstairs to start my day I notice that I'm still wearing the same close from yesterday. I should probably get a change of cloths before I go out and I wonder *sniff*sniff* ohh yeah I reek of alcohol yeah its probably best if I go take a shower before I go downstairs. I gather my things and then head for the showers. As soon as I'm done I get ready and finally go downstairs to start my day. The moment I'm downstairs my father greats me once more.

Ldad- hey lappy nice of ya to finally join me. Ready to start the day." he says as beams of joy radiate off of him.

lapis- I still don't how you can wake of so early with so much energy

Ldad- well unlike you I'm a morning person also its called Coffee my dear.

Lapis- ah yes the source of all your energy

Ldad- yes now here eat your breakfast and since I don't have work today I'll drive you to school

lapis- ok sounds good

Ldad- cool beans" he says as he messes with my hair

Lapis- hey! Also cool beans really your so lame

Ldad- what how dare you I'm so hurt I'm the coolest"he says dramatically

lapis- yeah ok whatever you say" I say while giving a little chuckle after

After that I finish my food and get the rest of my things as soon as I get everything I tell my dad I'm ready and we head towards the car as soon as we get in my dad if my friend for a couple of blocks down would like a ride. I text her and her reply seems to be no since she already decided to walk with someone else today and she already almost at school. I inform my father of this and we just continue to head toward my school. As soon as we arrived at my school I then saw my friends and said my goodbyes to my dad. As I am walking over to my friends I noticed periods staring at me from afar. Well um ok this isn't weird at all is he gonna just stare at e so intensely like that. I just brush it off and just go to my friends, after a short while the bell rang and we all decided to head inside and go our classes. while walking inside I notice that peridot was still staring at me ok weird. Before I go to class I head to my locker to leave some stuff behind and get the books I need for my classes, when I'm done with that I finally then go to class. When I walk into class to take a seat next to peridot I notice that he not staring at me anymore oh wait never mind. never mind that ill just go sit down now. As I'm about to pull a book out of my bag I notice something in there. It's my mothers necklace huh I don't remember putting it their weird. Well I shouldn't't keep it in my bag I don't want it to get damaged I'll just wear it for now. As I put it on I notice that period stops staring at me and moves a little further away from me. Ok I guess he finally notice he was staring too much I think. Whatever it doesn't matter at this point I should just focus in class for once.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2020 ⏰

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