Chapter 8- Worried to death

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I am rocking back and forth on my chair, smiling to myself. Today had been different. I had sat next to Addison! We talked for a while and I watched her doodle bobcats and eagles into her notebook. They were really good! I wished I was that creative.
I sat at home waiting for mother to pack her suitcase.
We were leaving to the mountain so Casey could see the snow. I wrapped a warm blue cardigan around Casey. "Uhhher!" She mumbled softly. I hug her tight and we rolled her wheelchair to the back of our van.
Once we are all in, we strap in and get ready for a long long drive. I snuggled into the blanket as the temperature dropped. I shivered, I should have come more prepared!
I brought out my book as I started feeling sick! Ugh! Carsick! Any travel made me sick!
I looked out the window and drifted to sleep....


"Skye! Look we're here!" Selena exclaimed, shaking me so hard I almost had a heart attack. I had dreamt of beautiful scenery but when I stepped on the ice, I had fallen through. My heart still leapt at that very memory of my vivid life-like dream.  I unbuckled my seatbelt and climbed out. It was freezing cold! I shivered as the weather bit at my jumper. I was sure I was turning blue!
Selena came around, the frosty air coming as clouds from her mouth. "Look at the view, honey!" She cried clapping her hands excitedly.
I smiled but to be honest, my crazy housewife mother had rarely been out. To me, it looked like an ordinary mountain with snow at the feet of it. Together, we hauled Casey and her wheelchair out of the van.
Casey was still sleeping. She mumbled softly in her sleep. I shook her awake and she looked up. "Ueeer!" She protested. I hugged her and gently wheeled her around so she could see the beautiful snow. She stopped and laughed. Then suddenly. "Uaeeeeer!" She screamed thrashing. She was choking on her tongue again.
Mum screamed and went to the car to get her phone.
But it was too late. Casey's lifeless body flopped in the wheelchair, her icy eyes open and glaring.
Mum and I cried and cried. I sniffed. I didn't care about the cold.

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