1// a boy named jinx//

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//Here's the story of a 16 year old boy named jinx and the adventure he will go on but let's rather let him talk //
Hey there the name is jinx ,now you're probably wondering what the fuck kind of a name is that ? Yeah most people do. In complete honesty I have no idea what my mother thought as she named me that , but I've been told the name fits quite well. To put it simply I can do quite a few things the ordinary human can't , I have a range of " magical abilities " as it can be described. I enjoy taking this to my advantage and watching the public live out there day getting in a few pranks or so. Oh and a job you say ? Haha why have a job when I can make money from just about anything that has the right material!. Although getting back to reality I should be on my way home I have special work to do. With that being said I take in a deep breath  and slowly feel myself spread into the air, a special thing I can do it could be described as teleportation but the reality is my body separates into small partials and moves around the moisture in the air. Luckily for me living in England allowed me to move quickly through the air , within no time I was outside my house. I walked in through the door coming in to seeing my mother looking a bit stressed. " mom what's going on if I may ask" I said. She gave me a small reply on how she broke a few expensive plates her now deceased grand mother had gave her, "nothing I can't fix !" I told her. with a smile and a deep breathe I pulled the broken pieces from then floor and slowly concentrated on pulling every piece back in the right place. unfortunately this is the only ability that comes with a downside, it hurts. it hurts when I bring something back that's broken i can reverse the damage of non living things with no limit and ease but with slight pain. it hurt but I'd do it for my mother , as she's done so much for me. My mother whom I adore deeply ,Anika Jane Rose.  A quiet but simply loving woman and strong one too. As I finished putting back the plates together she gave me a tight hug . " oh jinx is there anything amazing that you can't do " I smiled at those words I'm glad she thought so, many people found what I do to be either frightening or oddly unique and beautiful. I went to my room, as I carefully take out my plans . I've been planning a trip for awhile with a close friend of mine. We decided we wanted to visit around Europe and have some fun. Off to our first visit soon Madrid , Spain .

Different time same love Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang