Dare 12

506 3 62

Inside hint before I start, I will now be calling myself Maddie instead of me, so don't get confuzzed


Maddie: Sooooo, 2017 eh?

Cinder: Look who finally came back.

Maddie: What can I say? I'm full of sass that needs to be shared with the world. *shrugs* And my writing has gotten better.

Iko: Oh really? Since the last four months you have gotten better?

Maddie: I like to think I have. Along with getting 3000 views on this book!

Wolf: Who are you calling a book.

Maddie: Missed you too, Wolf.

Thorne: Well, I didn't miss you. Do you know how long it took to get that hair dye out?!

Maddie: *giggles* I think I missed you the most, Thorne.

Cassie: That's not possible.

Maddie: *smiles* Welcome back, I thought we could take some more adventures together in the new year.

Cassie: Why not. More fandoms to take over.

Iko: Ciiinnnddddeeerrr why don't you let me take over fandoms?!

Cinder: *slowly raises eyebrow*

Iko: I see it now.

Scarlet: Good to know you are still crazy Iko.

Cress: Yeah, really crazy.

Iko: Looks who is talking.

Maddie: The sass is back. Well, almost. Kai, where are you.

Kai: I'm here bro.

Maddie: Bro

Kai: Bro

Cassie: Oh my- no, no, not again.

Kai: Yesssssssss Cassie

Maddie: Yesssss Cassie

Scarlet: *facepalm*

Cress: So Maddie, read any good books while you... Did... Whatever... The past couple of months?

Maddie: I did, in fact, they are called The Kane Chronicles. Amazing author and plot truly-

Thorne: SHUT UP about the books already!

Cassie: *eye twitch*

Maddie: *blinks slowly*

Thorne: ...

Scarlet: So! I assume you have a reason for coming back Maddie?

Maddie: *pulls glare away from Thorne* Um... Oh yeah! I was looking back through these comments and I felt so bad leaving off and I don't want to just put it in Fandom Dares so I thought I would come back for more adventures.

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