Dare 16

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There will indeed be slight spoiler for A Court Of Thorns and Roses series as well as Sorcery of Thorns so if you have not yet read either of these fantastic books and would like to, tread lightly.

Hello Ladies, Lunars, and Gentleman, in honor of me being the worst and not having updates in a very very very long time, this is my treat to you. I hope you enjoy~

"I think we should paint it red," Cassie put her hands on her hips as she squinted at the room around her.

Well, room was not a very relative word for what this space was. It was more of a chamber that had once served as a guest bedroom. The walls were a dull white, sucking the life out of the room in a way that only Jacin could have been proud of. Where a grand armoire had once stood was now barren walls. Traces of what once occupied the room could be seen only because the sun had weathered the paint that it kissed, exposing the brighter patches that had been covered by the furniture. One of the only pieces remaining had been the elegant red velvet drapes that hugged the floor to ceiling windows.

The room had the misfortune to have been vacated for many years. When Kai had talked about turning it into another conference room for the sake of getting any use out of it, Maddie had practically throttled the emperor. She begged him for the space, which of course he relented to, as long as she promised to put it to good use.

So, obviously, the girls were doing what any girls their age would do when supplied with an empty canvas.

Turn it into a library for their books.

"I like red, don't get me wrong! But..." Maddie bite her lip. "What about green?"

A shake of Cassie's head as a response.

Cress frowned between them, perched on the only piece of furniture left in the room—a long table made of mahogany that was covered in their books. "Why paint it at all if you are just going to cover the walls with floor to ceiling bookshelves?"

Cress and Thorne were in for the month, putting a pause on their world wide adventure in distributing Letumosis whenever it popped up at random. The cases were very few now. They were as rare as finding Levana supporters and as curable as the common cold. It was a relieve to the world and the two girls, who had no desire to contract the illness.

"Only three of the four walls will have those bookshelves on them," Maddie explained. "The forth wall will be open. Also, there are no backs to the shelves because we wanted to save wood and obviously there are walls there to support the books."

"So you will, indeed, see the wall behind the books," Cassie finished for her.

Cress shrugged, "Paint it blue—midnight blue."

"Night Court blue," Maddie grinned.

"I have no idea what the means."

"Maddie! Let's paint Velaris during Starfall! We could paint the entire room midnight blue and you could sketch Velaris outline onto the wall. We can use sponges to make the stars by putting them in paint and dabbing it onto the wall," Cassie grinned at her friend.

Maddie squealed like a five year old, her hands bundled up into fist and shook slightly with the force of said squeal as she jumped from foot to foot. "Yes! Yes yes yes yes yes!"

"I still have no idea what you're talking about," Cress frowned again. "But don't ask for help with painting. That's the one thing I'm not good at."

A snort from Maddie. "That's ironic."


"No reason."

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