Chapter One: Backstories

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It had been two days since Victor Nikiforov managed his way into Yuri's home and slowly taking over his life. One would think that it would be a dream come true for their idol to just pop up out of nowhere and start coaching them, but for Yuri it was a nightmare. Why, you ask? Well, there were a few things that made Yuri uncomfortable with the fact that Victor was there, and it all had to do with the fact that he's gay.

Yuri was as straight as a fucking circle, even if he didn't show it. Being gay in Japan was always frowned upon, so he hid his secret from nearly everyone. The only people who knew were close friends, like Phichit, and his parents who were surprisingly very supportive of him. A person may wonder why Yuri's sexuality had anything to do with Victor and him wanting to be his coach, but it certainly made things more difficult.

If someone were to walk into Yuri's room, they would see nothing but posters of Victor up on his walls, even one of them was taped to his ceiling. He has not only admired Victor for the longest of time, but he has had the biggest of crushes on him. Now, one would probably think that having your crush living with you would probably be a good thing, but to Yuri is was anything but that. He was afraid of his new coach finding out about his secrets, finding out about his feelings for him. The last thing that Yuri wanted was his idol to find him disgusting, so disgusting that he gives up on coaching and leaves him; leaves and forgets about him. Keeping his secret at bay was going to be a challenge. He trusted those who knew, it was he himself, and his self control, that he didn't trust.

The posters up on his wall used to be nothing more than decoration when he was younger, but when he hit puberty they turned into something a lot less innocent. He would look at them as he would pleasure himself at night, imagining that it was Victor's hands that were touching his body instead of his own. He would cry out Victor's name as he came into his hand. He would always feel guilty for using his idols image in such an obscene way, but that guilt didn't stop him from getting off to his posters or videos of him skating on a nightly basis. With that being said, imagine how Yuri felt when he saw Victor there in his family's hot spring, standing up proud, hot, and naked. Needless to say that Yuri used that image as fapping material that night. Hell, he popped a boner just standing there looking at the other man, but luckily his sweat pants hid it very well.

What made this so difficult was that Victor obviously has no shame or sense of personal space. He'll walk around half naked without worrying about it, and he was always getting way too close and personal with Yuri. He was sure that if he knew the truth that he would stop, but he didn't want to risk pushing him completely away, so he kept his mouth shut and hoped that he didn't show his true feelings by ways he has no control over.

It had been two days since Victor arrived in Japan to coach little Yuri Katsuki. He admits that he had no idea who he was until last year at the Grand Prix Final. He really felt for Yuri. He saw such potential and love from him, but he completely lacked the confidence that was needed to compete at his full ability. There was so much that he was capable of, and Victor wanted to somehow bring that confidence out of Yuri, but he didn't know how.

After the final there was a banquet for all of the skaters that competed, and it was at this banquet when Victor finally saw Yuri's confidence. He watched Yuri dance around drunk, trying to get his attention, and he had it, he had all of it. He couldn't take his eyes off of the drunk man that was rubbing up against him and pole dancing half naked. What really got him was what happened at the end of the night. Yuri was totally wasted with his tie cutely tied around his head. He was clinging on to Victor and gyrating his hips against him in front of at least fifty other people in the room without shame. He looked up at him, his brown eyes shining from the alcoholic haze he was under, his glasses smudged and tilted to the side. "You should come to Japan with me~ Come on! Be my coach Victor~" It was at that very moment when Victor believed he fell in love for the first time in his life, and it was with a drunk, depressed, Japanese man.

Victor wrote his number on Yuri's wrist before the night ended, wanting him to keep in touch so maybe one day he could fulfill Yuri's offer of being his coach. The day went on and he never got a call or text from the other man. When he happened to see Yuri at the airport that night he smiled at him and offered him a photo, trying to look professional around the media and his coach. He was going to take a picture, yes, but he was also going to ask the other man why he never called him. His heart was crushed when Yuri turned his back to him and left for his flight back to Detroit. Victor was sad and heartbroken, but he couldn't let that get to him.He couldn't let a night spent with a drunk guy cloud up his mind and get in the way of the rest of his competitive season, even though he knew it would be impossible to forget those pleading eyes that looked up at him that faithful night.

Shortly after he had won his fifth consecutive World Championship it was time for him to finally go back to his apartment in St. Petersburg and relax, which was something he wasn't able to do for months. He thought he would catch up on some TV shows he enjoyed, but what he saw on his news station stopped him cold in his tracks. A video of a skater imitating him perfectly was starting to float around the internet and he just had to look it up and see who it was. His eyes widen and he covers his mouth in shock when he sees Yuri Katsuki, skating his routine with such love and passion. He noticed that he had packed on some weight since their night together and he didn't mind, he thought he looked even cuter now than before. Victor didn't care what he looked like or what exactly he was doing, all he knew was that he wanted to see Yuri again, wanted to be with him again, he needed hi. He took that video as Yuri calling out to hm once again, as Yuri wanting Victor to come and be his coach, as Yuri pleading for Victor to come to him. So ,he packed up his bags without a second thought and moved to Japan to be Yuri's new coach, and to hopefully start a new life with the drunk man he fell in love with just a few months ago.

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