Chapter 2: It's been two days...

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It's been two days since Victor arrived here at my families hot spring. We've finally gotten him and all of his things moved in. He brought so many damn boxes, so many, that we couldn't fit them all in his room, which lead to him going through all of his things to find what was worth keeping in his room with him. Aside from that he didn't do anything except soaking in the hot spring and eating katsudon until he passed out. As much as everyone else loved having someone famous in the hot spring to promote the business and increase class , Yuri was nothing more than annoyed at this point.

After finally getting everything settled in Victor's room- yes, even making his damn bed up- Yuri decided to go take a dip in the hot spring to help him wind down and relax. Last time he checked, Victor had left the house to go out to eat for the night. He thought he would use that to his advantage and enjoy some alone time away from everyone, especially his new coach. It isn't really that he has anything against him, he still had the biggest of crushes on him that crushes his soul every single day, it's that having Victor there made him uncomfortable. The more Yuri tries to show the other in some way shape or form that he doesn't like being close to him or being touched, it seemed like Victor would actually get even closer, he would touch him even more. He was sure that being close and touching was nothing special to Victor, but was something special to Yuri.

The steam from the spring instantly fogged up Yuri's glasses. He had lived there all his life and he kicked himself in the ass every time he would come out with his glasses on. He sighed and laid his robe and towel down on a table that was outside by the spring, gently placing his glasses on top. He had worn the robe outside, so he quickly got into the water before the cool air of late fall got the best of him. He sat in his usual spot; to the left of the little waterfall and across from the moss covered lion statue. He sighed and leaned his head back, closing his eyes as the gentle heat of the water started to melt his worries away. Yuri was completely relaxed within minutes over being submerged in the warm water, so relaxed that he was getting ready to cross over into dream world. That is, until he heard something coming from behind him. He didn't flinch in the slightest. It was a local hot spring open to the public, so he was used to people coming in and out. He was at the very back anyway, so he should still be able to keep his peaceful privacy. He was starting to get lost in his peaceful thoughts again until a pair of hands were suddenly placed across his eyes. He gasped, his mouth dropping in a silent scream of shock and terror. He froze when he heard a familiar snicker come from behind him.

"Guess who~?" Like Yuri wouldn't know who's Russian accent that was behind him. It was the sexy voice he would hear in his dreams nearly every night how could he not know who it was. "Did I scare you?"

He finally took his hands off of Yuri's eyes and lowered himself into the warm water, sitting directly beside the blushing man. Well, Victor wouldn't be able to tell if he was blushing or if the warm water was making him red, and Yuri was grateful for that. Yuri looked over at him, only to see him smile, his perfect smile that could make anyone swoon over him, both men and women alike. "Well, did I?" He asked, giggling. "Did you what? Scare me? Uhh... Y-Yeah, a little. I uhh... I thought I was going to be alone." Victor giggled, fucking giggled again, and placed an arm around Yuri like it was the most natural thing to do in that situation. "Oh come on, don't be like that! Being alone isn't any fun at all-" Victor froze as Yuri jerked away from his arm as soon as it made contact with his skin. Yuri's eyes were wide with horror, he didn't mean to come off so cold. He glanced over to Victor and, even though he tried to hide it, he could see the hurt in his eyes. "V-Victor I-... I am so sorry I just... I don't know what came over me. I don't know why-"

"You don't like me being here, do you, Yuri?" He cut the other off, a small smile trying to make its way onto his face to try and cover up the pain he felt in his chest. It was the same pain he would feel every time Yuri would reject him. The same pain he had when he saw Yuri turn his back to him after their night at the banquet. He loved Yuri, he came here for him. He thought Yuri would want him there, thought he would be happy. He thought he might have feelings for him, too. He had high hopes, and now they were all crashing down on him.

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