Ethan finds out

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Ethans pov:

I've never heard mark cry before, this is the first time ever. I got ready for bed. i fell asleep and dreamed of mark acting like a baby with me and Tyler taking care of him.

The next day

I was on my phone in bed looking at twitter and reading some tweets that people have been tweeting to me saying that they love my channel and that my videos helped them with depression. I think that it's amazing that my videos helped them with the worst times in their life (A&N:Ethan and mark have helped me through anxiety eating disorders and depression as well) I checked the time 8:35 am, okay I should get up and see if mark is okay after what happened last night

I go to mark's room and slowly opened the door. I see a baby crib with tiny box Tim's and mark sleeping with a binkie in his mouth. I go closer into the room and see that his whole room is full of baby things 'I knew that the baby car seat was for mark' I thought. 'what am I supposed to do now' .I go to the crib and see mark fast asleep with some of his hair in his face so I pushed it out of his face, he stirred in his sleep so I quickly moved out of the way so he doesn't see me. I look to see if he fell asleep and I went to take a closer look and saw that mark was wearing a summer onesie that had no arms and legs so he's not hot at night. 'He looks so peaceful and vulnerable' I thought, I felt my checks go red when I saw that he was cuddling Tiny Box Tim close to him like he was protecting Tim 'aww'. I smiled and looked around the room. I saw some pacifiers and teddy bears and other baby things 'if this is the secret that mark and Tyler have been hiding from me, then why did they not tell me?, I have little brothers and sisters that are the same age as I can tell from marks headspace things then I would gladly help Tyler with taking care of mark ' I thought . I saw that mark was starting to wake up so I quickly ran out of the room and went downstairs to get some coffee.

Tyler's POV:

I hear mark waking up so I go upstairs and go to his room. I see that mark is awake and was rubbing his eyes with the back of his hands, he looks up at me and smiles then makes grabby hands towards me saying that he wants to be picked up. I smile and grab him from the crib. 'Good, he's not wet that's what I like' I say in my mind. He puts his head on my shoulder and tried to reach something that's on the bed, I look and see that it's his pacifier that fell out when I picked him up. I pick up the pacifier and put it in marks mouth, he stared sucking the didget while I started walking to the kitchen. I put mark in his highchair and went to make mark some pancakes. I finished the pancakes and put them on a Cookie Monster plate and fed mark. 

Ethan came into the living room after I put mark on a blanket and got him colouring some pictures of cats and dogs. Mark was sucking his pacifier while colouring a dog blue and pink. 

"Hey Tyler can I talk to you in the kitchen please" Ethan said and I went to the kitchen with Ethan. "Okay so I went into marks room to see if he was okay from last night and I saw that his room was more like a baby room and I wanted to know if that was the secret that you and mark have been hiding from me and if it is then I'm happy to help you with taking care of mark." I stared at him with wide eyes, "umm yeah that's the truth , but I don't know if mark is okay with you taking care of him too with me" I say nervously for some reason, he looks at me "well I have brothers and sisters that are the same age as marks headspace, so I know how to take care of a toddler, do you want me to help you if mark is okay with it." He said with a caring smile. "Okay I will go and ask him" I say in a smile "okay" I go to the living room and see that mark is colouring a cat in red and yellow, I go to him and he looks at me "hey buddy, Ethan was wondering if he can help me take care of you cause me and him have little brothers and sisters and we know how to take care of toddlers, do you want me and Ethan to take care of you?" I smiled his eyes lit up and nodded and went back to colouring his cat. I called Ethan and he came into the living room "so what did mark say" Ethan asked with a smile "he said yes and that we can take care of him" I said with a smile back. "yay" Ethan smiled with excitement.

time Skip

Ethan's POV

me and Tyler have been taking care of mark, I looked at the time 9:30 and now it was time for mark to have a nap before lunch. I looked at mark and he was rubbing his eyes with the back of his hands tiredly so I knew that mark needed a nap so I went to mark and picked him up and put him on my hip, he put his head on my shoulder as I took mark to his nursery/bedroom. he was fast asleep when I put him into his crib and locked the crib bars up. I went downstairs to see Tyler fast asleep on the couch so I went to get coffee. I looked at the time 12:10 I better get mark up now to give him some lunch, Tyler is awake so he's making Marks lunch and a sippy cup of strawberry milk. I go to marks room and see him asleep with his pacifier and tiny box Tim, I go to the crib and gently rub my hand on his shoulder and he wakes up and cutely yawns as rubbing his eyes with the back of his hands. He looks up and giggles and puts his arms up saying that he wants to be carried, I smile and pick him up and put him on my hip and carried him to the kitchen, I put him into the highchair and went to help Tyler with marks lunch. 'this has been the best day so far, lets make sure that there are no tantrums today from mark.' I thought

thank you for reading this chapter and I'm sorry that it took me so long to do the second chapter of this book I have been at school and other things are getting in the way as well so I will try to update this book. BUT anyway I will see you lovely people in the next chapter bye :)

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