The Initiation

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17 years ago...

You were only 8 when you had lost your mother. Your brother had joined the Assassins Creed when he was of age after your mother had passed. Your Father had already been secretly a part of the creed when your brother had joined. You were too young to understand why they were always off at night wandering the dark streets of the city.

One night, when you were 18 years of age, your father never came home. Your brother had taken you in his arms as you cried and told you he would look after you no matter what and that you had a new family now to protect you. Over the years, you would often lay awake at night and wonder where your brother was. He would leave just after you fell asleep and was mostly gone while you slept at night. You never truly knew where he was or what he was doing. All he would say was "Do not leave the house. Sleep. I will see you in the morning." before kissing the top of your head and sending you off to bed. With a rebellious huff, you did as you were told and went to your room.

Sadly, one morning, he never came home. You waited and waited until one clear midnight a knock was heard from the front door. Cautiously, you went and swung open the door to find two hooded figures standing in the doorway. Now 25, you were more aware of the strange things happening around you and the weird events happening in the city so you cautiously carried a small dagger you had scavenged from your brother's things.

"Where's my brother?" You demanded, hiding the blade in your long sleeve shirt.

"Come with us." Was all that was said before you were taken by the arm.

The sigil that gleamed in the moonlight on one of the armbands of the stranger that held your wrist caught your eye. You were silent as you were taken through the city to a place unfamiliar to you. You were led beneath the city, down a stone stairwell which led to a dimly lit long narrow stone passageway which echoed with every small sound, and into a wide open great hall. Several other hooded figures stood, surrounding a stone table in the center of the room, softly conversing in the language of the city.

As you entered the room, everyone stopped and turned to face you as you were guided into the center of the room where everyone circled around.

"This is the one?" Spoke a woman as she stepped up to you and lowered her hood to reveal her identity to you. She was an elderly lady with snow white long hair, braided down her back. Her blue eyes glancing you over as she circled around you.

"Yes, this is her." Answered the one who had held your wrist so firmly it hurt.

She then came to a stop right in front of you and stared you in the eyes before waving a hand to summon someone over to where you were.


A tall slender built man in a dark brown cloak approached from your right. He gave a small nod of his head to the elder, who returned a nod of approval before taking a step back to rejoin the circle of others surrounding you. The strange man before you then turned to face you and slowly lowered his hood to reveal his face in the dim light of the dungeon. Your heart immediately skipped a beat as you looked at the man standing before you. His bright crystal blue eyes shimmering in the dim candlelight which illuminated the room.

"I am Aguilar De Nerha. " He introduced with a gruff tone. "I knew your brother."

You noticed his gingerish hair and the way his thick whiskers of facial hair shaped around his thin mouth and chin as he spoke.

"My brother?! Where is he? Is he okay?" You frantically asked.

"He had informed us that if anything should happen to him..." His voice trailed off as he saw the pained reaction on your face.

"What happened?" You're tone lowered, letting your fear turn into anger. Teeth bared as your hand curled into a shaking fist while your eyes glared at the man standing before you.

"He was lost protecting the very reason this group exists." Aguilar explained, "We are known as the Assassins. Free will must be fought for at all costs from those who wish to corrupt the city. The templars want to harness free will to empower it. Your brother fought to protect it Y/N."

"And my father?"

"He was lost overseas following an important lead on a pirate conspirator named Argulus Baranes."

The elderly lady with long snow-white hair then stepped forward once again with her hands folded in front of her.

"We brought you here to offer you a chance to continue on what your brother and father left behind." She spoke calmly. "Their legacy. Continue what they started."

This was a lot of information for you to take in, but you had already made up your mind. You loved your brother more than anything. The bond was unbreakable between the two of you. You remembered the words he always told you before leaving you alone for the night.

We work in the dark to serve the light.

If the cause for protecting free will from the templars was true to this group then your brother did not die in vain but a hero to help save the world, for the better. You lifted your gaze and looked from Aguilar over to the elder woman with a strongly devoted glare.

"We work in the dark to serve the light." You stated firmly.

All the others surrounding you in the dark dungeon, including Aguilar and the elder, repeated the same phrase after you in unison. And with a proud tone, the ancient words of the creed echoed throughout the stone halls under the great city.

 And with a proud tone, the ancient words of the creed echoed throughout the stone halls under the great city

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Now that you had become a part of the creed, you felt at home. It had been only a year but you already felt like the creed as your family. The group was all you had left to remember your father and brother by and since you joined it felt as if they were there watching over you. The other members of the creed had become your family, friends, and even mentors.

Aguilar had agreed to take you on as his own apprentice. He was close to your brother and was rather pleased to mentor you in the ways of the creed.

He had taught you many things over the time you spent with him. Simple things like how to sneak around the city undetected, fear of hurting people or heights that he had helped you overcome. Now you were jumping from rooftops and silently lurking in the shadows of the city, tracking down guards in the night to gather information.

He couldn't have been prouder of you as you saw just how proud he was when a small smile betrayed him during the initiation ceremony.

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