Fight for her

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A/N: sorry for the long wait but this is the first chance I got to work on my stories since work has kept me busy as well as personal issues. Hope you enjoy this chapter along with another in the drafts but as always comments and messages always help me improve my work so thank you for staying with me!

Night had fallen. This was your chance to make your move on the cover of the darkness. You slowly unsheathed your dagger and tightened your grip around the leather wrapped handle as you crouched down low to the edge of the window. You peeked down to see that no guards were standing in the room below and made sure that the room was vacant before leaping down and softly landing with a muffled light thud from your boots as they hit the floor.

Aguilar watched from above as you cleared the area, searching the artifacts room in hopes of finding the missing key of information that the Templars were hiding from the Creed.

"Y/N!" Aguilar hissed softly from above on the rooftop, trying to grab your attention.

You looked up and saw him give you a series of hand signals which you knew didn't mean anything good. Get out. That's what he was trying to say, but you were too stubborn.

Templar knights suddenly poured into the room just as you had picked up an interesting piece of paper off of a nearby office desk. You tried your best to keep your guard up but the task was challenging with you being surrounded. Aguilar saw you in the middle of the circle of Templars and made his move just as you backed up a few steps which allowed him to drop down from the open window shaft above and join you.



Back to back, the two of you engaged in a brutal attempt to fight your way past the Templars. You and Aguilar took turns covering each other but there were too many. With just a look from him, you knew and began to cover him as he tried to figure a way out for both of you. There was a door to the far right which Aguilar ran over to and swung open. No Templars. With the path being clear, he continued onwards down the narrow hall, sharply turning left, then right at the end of the corridor. You quickly followed him the best you could while fight off perusing Templars.

Aguilar suddenly reached back and hooked arms with you and swung you around so you were now leading the way while he stalled the attackers. You lead him down a flight of narrow stone stairs into a dungeon and through a narrow tunnel. Aguilar used the stone walls to his advantage, leaping and running along the sides as he dodged throwing knives and sword lunges. Once you reached the end of the tunnel the next step was going up.

Aguilar ran up to you and knelt down, entwining his hands with his palms showing upwards as you stepped into his hands. He helped launch you up so you could climb up and out. Once he saw you were to safety he glanced back to see one guard chasing after them rear around the corner yelling. He quickly took care of the guard with a small throwing knife to the shoulder before turning back around quickly and taking your outstretched hand, helping pull him up out of the tunnel also. The two of you raced off down the quiet night alleyway and took several turns before climbing up on a small market bench and leaping from post to post until reaching the rooftops once more.

"You alright?" Aguilar huffed, kneeling down to scope out the area and catch his breath. When you didn't answer right away, he shifted his gaze to see you bent over with your back turned to him.

"Hey, Y/N." He called over to you but when you didn't answer a second time, he stood.

Suddenly, you fell over on your side. Very weakly, you opened your eyes to see Aguilar's hooded outline approaching you and kneeling down beside you. The last thing you remember was being picked up and carried off somewhere before everything faded out.

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