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Aguilar and you find out a lead on the pirate conspirator. Tracking a messenger through the city. You get hurt which leads to the pirate messenger to escape and Aguilar doesn't want to risk losing you after your injury to continue the mission overseas.

Where others fall blind and are bound by law remember-
Nothing is true.
     Everything is permitted.
        We are Assassins.

Dusk had fallen across the skies as an eagle flew past with a low screech. Aguilar and you stood on top of the roof of an ancient building, waiting for his word.

The eagle circled around again silently and this time Aguilar looked over to you with a small nod. You kneeled down near the ledge to see two templar guards below walking past. Silently, you leaped forward just as they passed below and landed on the shoulders of the nearest. Swiftly, you covered the guard's mouth as you slit his throat before letting the guard fall back and letting his lifeless body fall to the ground. The other guard turned to see what had happened to his partner, but before he could call out, or draw his blade, you snuck behind him and knocked him out with a quick and hard hit to the head.

Once you signalled that the area was all clear, Aguilar jumped down from the rooftop and lightly landed near you with a soft thud as his boots hit the soft dirt of the dark alleyway.

"Well done." He commented, glancing at the unconscious bodies with an impressed look on his face.

A smug smile tugged at the corner of your lips before a loud commotion nearby drew your attention. Aguilar nudged your arm gently before nodding to you and leading the way down an alleyway on the left.

"We need to find the hideout," Aguilar whispered as the two of you crouched low in the alley.

"The guard said it was hidden behind the old church on the north side of the temple just past the building over there." You stated, pointing over to the north side of the citadel.

Aguilar slowly leaned around the corner to make sure the streets were cleared of any passing guards before turning back to you.

"Got it. You go on ahead and secure the area. I'll meet you by the corner on the other side of the entrance near the temple."

You nodded reassuringly but just as you turned your back to leave, a hand clasped down and grasped your arm firmly. You turned back to see Aguilar glaring at you in the moonlight. His eyes shimmering as his face was shadowed by the hood of his cloak.
"Remember our mission. Be discreet and precise. The key is to get the lead on the templars plans. " He reminded you, staring  deeply into your gaze.

You nodded acknowledging him as he released his hold on your arm. Aguilar stayed in the shadows as he watched you sneak across the abandoned street market. When you reached the other side safely, you turned back to see he was gone.

You shrugged and knew he was probably already halfway there before refocusing. Swiftly, you went to the right and turned down a small corridor which led to an open market square. You spotted some guards talking amongst themselves near the far end of the square. They were far away so you dismissed them and headed to the left just as instructed before swiftly climbing up a narrow ladder and jumping up onto the roof a market building and up onto a higher roof to reach the top to get a better view. You quietly sprinted north towards the visible temple, leaping from the rooftops.

Once there, you lowered yourself onto the edge of the roof and dropped down before sneaking off to the back of the building to meet with Aguilar.

Aguilar nodded when he saw you and crouched down low as the two of you hid in the shadows.

"The building next to the temple on the back street. There." Aguilar pointed to a small housing structure. "Go to the top of the roof and there should be a window on the south side. The one we are after will be wearing red. Identify him then signal to me."

You followed his instructions and climbed up to the roof and peeked into an open window to get a better sight as to what was happening inside. You distinctly hear a conversation going on below and listened in.

"We need to be more discreet in this operation! If the Assassins catch even a small hint of this it's over! They must not know about the_"
The what?? You thought as the man leaned in to whisper the answer into the templar's ear. There was more to this than you had been informed and curiosity got the better of you as you decided to take this task on by yourself.

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