The Little Sheet of Paper

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I hate writing the letter H. It begins with the one thing I ever cared about, and with everything I did wrong. Andraste, damn me. I need a drink. No matter how many times I put on a front for the Inquisitor, or how many games of cards we play, I am dead inside, and no one seems to be doing anything to find closure on the H-word.

Is she really dead? How could she go up against an army of qunari, kill the Arishok, but not survive one stupid demon? So what if it was one-hundred feet tall and armored like a rock dragon. She's the Champion of Kirkwall.

I don't know how long I can keep pretending I'm writing notes for my crime serial. Cassandra keeps eyeballing me. She either knows something's up or is hoping I'm jotting down romance scenes for her to go over in her bunk. No, she knows. It's why she's not saying anything. And she's letting the rest of our friends remain oblivious.

I'm alone at this table. Everyone is smiling but only mine is hollow. At least I have my letters.

All except one.

Varric evens his hand and hums in his throat at the faces of the serpents staring back at him. It's an average set; one he'll gladly pretend is worse than it is, so he urges attention to himself with a story about the deep roads. Cassandra's heard most of his tales already, but she enjoys them more now that she doesn't have to squeeze them out. It's the usual crowd here after tavern hours. Cullen makes time now to socialize instead of hunching over his table. Now he can hunch over this one since Varric's convinced Josephine clothes are no longer the currency of the game. Cole likes that Solas decided to join, but with the Iron Bull, Inquisitor, Sera, and Vivienne out on missions, the game's a few voices softer.

"It took three days to get the stink out," he ends.

Cullen laughs, nodding. "I know the feeling. One time, our commander camped us in a bog..."

Varric smiles as everyone draws another card after discarding. He chooses to put down his deceit card and picks up a fresh-

Angel of Death.

Angel of Death

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