Chapter 1~Whitney and Paul

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"LILLY,GET YOUR BUTT DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!" Yeesh. That's my mom, Whitney. I haven't done anything wrong, but they still abuse me. I have cuts on my back and scars on my knees. I have to escape the wrath of my parents. "LILLY! WHAT THE HECK?!GET DOWN HERE IMMEDIATELY!" And there goes my dad, Paul. He is really scary. I try to pry open the window and I hear their footsteps heading up the stairs. I start to sweat nervously and I hit harder at the window. I run into my bed and push it against the door. The banging starts. I run and detach window from its socket and jump. It's not a long fall. I grabbed a trash bag and some clothes earlier because I knew this would happen. I ran two miles all the way to my friends Ayana's house and spent the night. My parents don't know Ayanas parents or even who she is. Suddenly, she grabs my hand and pulls me to the bathroom.  She asks me if I'm OK and I nod no. She finds the hidden wounds and patches them up. "Ayana. I have to leave tomorrow morning. My parents are gonna kill me if they find out I stayed here. I have to run. Tell your mama that I'm gonna leave. K?" I asked that as soon as I could. She nodded and I went to sleep. It was about 9:00 and I needed rest for tomorrow. I went to sleep and waited for morning to come.

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