Chapter 6~Meeting Mrs. Loghide

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She takes the pie out of the fridge and sets the knife down."Oh dearie, how are you feeling," Mrs Loghide asked. " I ran away from.. home...," I croaked. Mrs Loghide crooked an eyebrow. "Oh my. Why so? You're such a little girl and what made that happen?" I showed her my back and knees. I teared up. "Don't cry! I'll make you feel just as good as I feel right now. I mean, I feel great! So what do you say, tea and some pie?"  " I guess so... And my name is Lilly."
She goes and makes some tea and cuts up some pie she picked up recently. She hands the warm mug and plate of delicious pie to me and says cheerfully,"Oh, what a beautiful name! Even though you know me as Mrs. Loghide, my real name is Randall Loghide." I give her a crooked smile and sit down at the table. I chomp down the pie and sit and sip at my tea. "You can stay here if you want." I nod my head no. " I'm so sorry Mrs Loghide, but I have to get going. Pads, come here!" I get up from the table and Pads jumps up on my shoulder. "Gotta go! See you sometime later!" I give her a hug and start to walk out. I mouth a 'thank you' and keep skipping along with Pads nibbling on my ear. Pads meows and jumps off my shoulder and gets a fish from the river.

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