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"Hi I'd like to order a tomato soup please."


"A tomato soup."

"What are you talking about?"

"Is this not the soup place?"

"Uh, no"

"This is NamJoon"


"Yes, that is my name."

"That's a cool name"
"I'm Jin"

"That's a cute name"


"You sound all snotty."
"Not like a snob kind of snotty, like a sniffles kind of snotty."

"Yeah, I have the flu, I've been sick for exactly thirty-seven hours now. Throwing up and i have a fever and-"

"Is that why you were ordering soup?"

"Oh yeah, have you placed my order yet?"

"This isn't a soup place, this is-"

"Ugh, sorry, what were you saying?"

"You wanted tomato soup right?"

"Yes, thank you"

"Alright, give me your adress and I'll deliver it in the next ten minutes."

"I live at 68 crowson Drive, its the poxy little apartment. You can't miss it."

"Bye then."

"Yeah, see you in a bit."

A/n: next chapter is going to be longer. I hope you enjoyed.^-^

It started with a delivery~NamJin Ver.Where stories live. Discover now