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"Hello, Jin?"


"I bet I came to the wrong house."


"Oh I'm such an idiot."


"Hi, I'm sorry I didn't answer right away. I thought you could have been a serial killer."

"Do I look like a serial killer to you?"


"Woah. Your eyes are green, like really green."

"Uh, thanks?"

"I like the color green they go well with your skin. I wish I was tan, but I'm pale."

"You are very pale."

"I know I'm as white as a cloud right now because I'm sick."

"Oh, right."
"Here's your soup."


"It's in a can."

"How else do you have soup?"

"Preferably hot or in a bowl."

"Maybe even both of those things if I'm lucky."


"Oh. Well can't you just put it in a pan and heat it up?"

"Well that's why I ordered. So I wouldn't have to put it in a pan and heat it up."


"Oh well"

"Thank you for bringing it. I haven't moved out of bed all day because I'm so tired."

"That sucks."

"Uh, listen. I don't have anything else to do, I could come in and heat that up for you."

"Why would you do that?"

"Well you're super sick. And there ar big bags under your big blue eyes and your hair is all dark and messy."

"Thanks for the confidence boost."

"Was there a point you were trying to make other than the fact that I look lile a hobo?"

"Uh, you don't look like a hobo. I meant that when you're feeling that grotty, you don't want to be buzzing around a kitchen just for some soup."


"Well that's kind of you and all, but you probably want to get home."

"No it's ok."

"Well, come in then."

"You're sure you aren't a serial killer?"

"Im sure I'm not a serial killer."


"Wow this apartment us a mess."

"Ugh, I know."

"I already told you, I've been sick for thirty-seven hours now. I haven't really moved, this place gets messy on it's own."

"What are you doing?"

"Starting to tidy up."

"No ,you sit down on the couch. You're sick, you don't need to tidy. I can clean up after I've made the soup."


"That's really nice of you Dr. Joon"

"Dr. Joon, really?"


"Alright then, Jinnie."


"Jin, Jinnie?"

"Oh okay."

"Well, I'll go and make your soup."


"No. No tidying, doctor's orders. You sit on the couch or watch a movie or something."

"No I want to help out."

"Well tough cookie, you can't."

"Do you sell cookies at the soup place?"

"Jinnie, I don't work at the soup place. I already told you that."

"You did?"

"Then why did you bring me soup?"

"Cause you're sick."

"Wow. Most people would have just hung up."

"Well I'm not most people."

"Now sit down and get comfy whilst I sort your soup and tidy your house."

"Okay, Doc."

It started with a delivery~NamJin Ver.Where stories live. Discover now