Chapter 8: The dream

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Hello peopleee (I still don't have a name for y'all, good job Angelyn.) I am so sorry for the SUPER long update. But here's the chapter now! Enjoy :))


Lucy's POV


I woke up in an unknown place...... It's REALLY dark here.....

Fear is nearly controlling me, just then I saw a shadow quickly ran infront of me.


The figure ran past me again, I knelt onto the ground hoping that there would be a weapon or something that I can use to defend myself.

Grass. Grass. More grass..... AHA!











A gun? Well it's better than nothing right?

Again the figure ran past me.


Stupid, Lucy. As if the thing would show up and reply 'Oh! Ok you got me! Here I am' My conscience scolded me. Once again she's right. Ugh. Im so stupid. *mental facepalm*

Few moments later I couldn't move. My body was frozen.

What's happening?! Why can't I move? Later on I feel someone wraps their arm around my neck and holds a knife right between my eyes.

Im screwed! "DUH AIN'T IT OBVIOUS?! Ugh you're so dumb" once again my conscience scolded me.

"Haha, did you really thought that we cared about you, Lucy?" a familiar voice spoke

Once that I could move again I spoke softly "M-mum?"

"She's not the only one." another voice spoke

"J-Jordan?" I said well more like whispered

"You actually think that we loved you?" 'Mum' spoke

"YOU'RE NOT MUM!" I yelled as 'she' stepped out of the dark, with a mask covering half of her face only revealing her eyes.








It really looks like mum's eyes...

"Really? Dear?" she said as she removed the mask

No. It can't be....

"NO! YOU CAN'T BE MUM!" I yelled

"Believe me hunny I am" she smirked

"What she said" another person removed his mask. JORDAN?!

"Hey" 'Jordan' smirked at me


"We are real" 'Mum' spoke

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