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"When I first found out about Chedder his mother was the one to tell me. Then she told me she was going to be gone for two weeks so I took care of him but she never came back. I was barley 16 and I felt as I couldn't raise him. I would be busy fighting more then taking care for me. Then... I wouldn't let anyone let him be killed by the Empire. Then I decided I had to keep him. We never had the best bound when he was older and able to speak we still didn't. I blame myself for that because I was and still kind of am still a tuff kind of person. I never showed I cared for him and I really regret it now. He ran away and I went after him. After that, we started having a good bound and we become......
The best of friends that you see today."

The audience clapped as we bowed.
I picked up Chedder over my head still holding his hands as we walked off stage.

"Kylo.... That was a good story and I remember when I was in it with you," My partner, Aiden, said. I said ,"I know but not trying to hurry you.... Do you have it?" He said,"I put it in your bag when you where on stage." He handed my back to Ched.
"Thanks..... I'll see you later," Aiden said.
We nodded.

"Now let's unlock this mystery," I said to Ched.
He roared.

Do I Protect? Season 1 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now