Chapter 1

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A neat story idea that came in mind at 5 in the morning. Hope you enjoy! Let me know what you think!


The sound of beeping echoed in his mind, his conscious fading in and out. He wanted desperately to wake up, he felt afraid being in this dark space, but his mind was unsure if waking up was a good idea.




Wake up... Please...

Finally with his mind wanting to wake up, he slowly started to open his eyes. His vision beginning to blur in and out. Hearing voices around made him aware that people were present with him, W...Who are they...? All he could make out were vague colors, purple, blue, white,

The blurred people noticed him waking up, walking towards him with what looked like worried expressions. It then occurred to him that he hadn't realized where he was, seemed like a hospital of a sort.

"...waking up!"


Their words were cutting in and out, he could tell that they were talking about him. His vision started to clear up, seeing the blurred faces with clear detail. He had questions roaming in his head, unsure of what exactly was going on and why they were crowding around him.


Uh..? Maru?


Mahiru? Was that my name?

He slightly groaned in pain, realized that his head was in severe pain. The people around him were next to his bed, being ready for any movement that he may do. Slowly sitting up, he felt a pair of hands on him, looking over to see a blue hair male helping him up. He felt like pushing him off, but something told him not to, so he just let the man help him up.

"T-Thanks..." He said, his throat dry. The bluenette just nodded and sat back down in the chair next to him. Why does he look so tired? Mentally shaking off the question, he decided to look around seeing the rest of the group. One was a tall blonde male, looking half naked with his jacket slipping off, the one next to him was a small purple haired boy. He looks like he's in middle school, the boy cleared his head and saw the next one. It was another tall blonde male, but his body was more complex than the other one, he had a small child on his shoulder who wore what appear like a tuxedo with a cape and top hat. Weird... The boy then looked back at the bluenette from earlier.

He wore a blue jacket, with a his hood on that had black fur around the the outer ring of the hood. His eyes had dark circles around them, from lack of sleep from what he could guess. Before he could go further, one of the males called out to the boy.

"Mahiru, I'm glad that you're awake. Do you remember what happened? What you were doing before it happened?" The purple haired male asked, his arms crossed and sitting tiredly in a chair that the boy was positive wasn't there before. Mahiru sat in the bed, looking at the boy puzzled and confused. Something happened to me? The group stared at him, waiting for his answer.

"I don't know what you mean. Something happened... To me?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. The group stood and sat quietly taking in the response that he gave, Mahiru sat there a bit worried that he might have say something wrong?

"You don't remember? You and Kuro were outside when it happened out of nowhere." The tall blonde said, standing next to the purple haired boy. Mahiru blinked a few times, having the same face he had when he was asked the question from before. Who were they talking about exactly?

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