Chapter 3

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The next morning, Mahiru was able to be released but they had glued him to stay inside until some of his minor injuries are fully healed. Kuro knew that he had to take care of him for the time being, much to his dismay. But of course he didn't mind it, he wanted to help out his Eve as much as he can.

"Kuro..?" The said male was pulled from his thought to turn and look at his Eve, giving him a look of confusion and nervousness. "What is it..?" Mahiru stood still, looking down at the floor. "Um, well... It came to my attention that... I don't know where my home is." He said trying to avoid eye contact. The lazy vampire let out a tired sigh, "Was expecting that... This going to be troublesome, but I know a place we can stay at until then."

"Oh? Where would this place be?"

"Tetsu's onsen.."

The boy looked at Kuro with total confusement, "Tetsu? Who's that?" Kuro ignored the question for a bit, fumbling with pockets to find the phone he was given to by Lily in case he wanted to reach him or the others. He found it and pulled it out, starting to dialing in a number, "He's a friend of ours."

The phone rang for a bit when someone answered the phone, 'Hello?'

"Lily? It's Kuro... This is troublesome, but could we get a ride to Tetsu's Onsen? We can all meet there if you'd like..." Kuro finished.

'That is actually a great idea. I'll let Misono know and tell Dodo to give you guys a ride. We'll meet up and relax for a bit then see what we can do for the time being. I'm sure Mahiru could use a relaxing bath after all.'

Kuro sighed over the phone, "Alright. We'll be waiting at the front entrance of the hospital..." Was the last thing he said, hanging up the phone. "I got us a ride to the onsen... He'll probably be here in a minute or so." Mahiru nodded in response. He was still wondering who Tetsu was.

Within the next minute, the pair were greeted by a limousine screeching to a sudden halt. Mahiru could feel himself jump out if his shoes by the sudden appearance of the car, Kuro on the other hand was completely used it after hearing about the story from the head maid at the mansion. A man popped out from the other side, looking at the pair, "Lily told me to drive you guys up to the onsen where that tall, blonde is." The vampire nodded and walked over to where the back seat was, opening the door and letting Mahiru in first before he went in.

The drive was nothing but silence, Mahiru keeping himself still and Kuro trying his best not to fall asleep. Dodo made his way to the onsen, parking the car in the front of the building, "Alright, we're here."

"Thanks.." The vampire muttered out, opening up his door and quickly walking around to open Mahiru's side. The brunette shuffled out of the car, "Thank you so much for the ride. Um.."

"Dodo. And it's no problem." He waved the pair goodbye and drove away from the onsen. Kuro tapped the boy's shoulder and ushered him inside where they were quickly greeted by a small bat, Mahiru jumped behind the vampire. "Is this place infested by bats?!"

Kuro tried his best to hold in his laugh, "No.. This is Old Child, Servamp of Pride. This is his animal form."

"Kinda rude calling me that lad. But it's expected of someone who just lost their memories." The bat said, transforming into his vampire form. Mahiru back away from behind Kuro, embarrassed by his actions to someone he barely knew, "I'm sorry for that sudden outburst. I didn't think you would be a bat." The vampire just waved him off, "It's quite fine. Tetsu should be done preparing the baths, should be working on the rooms right now." Kuro gave his young brother a quick nod, "Thanks Hugh."

The pair walked into the locker room, changing out of their clothes and wrapping a towel around their waists. Mahiru had no reason to be flustered, expect that Kuro was shirtless next to me and it seems he hasn't noticed him staring until he called his name, shaking him out of his thoughts.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2017 ⏰

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