Chapter 2

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The sun shone brightly through the window, warming his face with it's radiance and light. It felt really nice, like a loving touch from someone. Mahiru slowly woke up, seeing the sun shine brightly through the window and lighting up the whole room. He then remembered that he was at the hospital, still with the tubes attached to him. Sitting up he also remembered something or someone that was here last night.

"Kuro?" He looked around, seeing the man or cat not on his bed or sitting next to him. Where did he go? Mahiru looked around confused, when someone walked in seeing him move around on his bed. "S-Sir? You alright?" The voice sounded a bit worried, he looked to see the nurse holding a tray with some food in her hands.

"S-Sorry....Have you seen a 'black cat' anywhere?" He asked, his voice a bit shaky. The nurse quickly shook her head, telling him that she hasn't seen one since they don't really allow pets at a hospital. Mahiru just sighed a bit, maybe he was just thinking up things, he was on a drug.

The nurse brought him the food and told him that the doctor would come in later and check up on him, he just nodded and slowly ate the given food. God, hospital food is just the worst but at least it's something to eat. Mahiru continued eating, surprisingly finishing it so quick that he almost wanted to ask for more.

Hours passed and Mahiru was bored out of his mind, he had nothing to do but sit around in his bed. The doctor came by and told him that his wounds were healing quite quickly and they were gonna give him new medication and so on. Might be stuck here for another day or two.. He sighed, Guess walking around wouldn't hurt.

He got up from the bed, then a thought occurred, wasn't he looking for Kuro? Before the nurse walked in?

Mahiru quickly recomposed himself and started to look around the room. He checked under the bed, in the rooms bathroom, and in small places that he could hide. But no matter how hard he looked he didn't find him. Where the hell is he? Before he would continue his search, he heard a small thump noise behind him, turning to the direction of the sound he saw a black ball of fur laying on the floor. Mahiru looked at it and was puzzled before he then realized what, or rather who, it was.

"Kuro? Where did you hide?" He walked over to Kuro, who was having a bit of trouble getting up. He chuckled a small bit and reached to help him, Kuro made a small squeak sound when Mahiru picked him up. "Hey... gentle hands... " He quickly got cozy in his arms, he felt a bit embarrassed when he made that sound. Kuro has never made a sound like that before.

"Sorry, but you still haven't answered my question." Mahiru looked down at the small cat in his arms, he honestly found him cute like this. Kuro rolled in his arms, looking up at the browned haired boy, "Obviously pets aren't allowed in a hospital... I was hiding somewhere that you hadn't looked... So troublesome... " He yawned, closing his eyes. Hearing the boy's heart beat soothed him, Kuro was glad that Mahiru was here and breathing.

Mahiru smiled, gently petting the top of Kuro's head. His fur is really soft. He walked back over to the bed and sat down on the edge of it, Kuro stirred in his arms but kept still. It felt nice, having at least someone by his side when he utterly felt lost, with his lost memories. He feels like he can trust Kuro completely with them and the others helping him regain them back.

The rest of the day was a bit quiet, nurses coming in and out with his food and the doctor telling him that he will be checking out of the hospital today or tomorrow morning. It was the only good news he's heard all day. Mahiru honestly felt cooped up and he desperately wanted to leave this cramped room.

Kuro lazily slept the day away, taking advantage of the quiet time with Mahiru. He was a bit relieved that the boy was able to leave the hospital soon, Kuro wanted to make sure that Mahiru can regain his lost memories back before anything bad happens again.

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