chapter 3

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Once i get my lessons for the week, i head Down to room 16,"this school is so big ill never find my class in time" i think to myself.

Finally after aimlessly wondering around the halls i find my class,my nerves returning and i feel like im a box of fireworks waiting to explode any minute. i knock on the classroom door before opening it. " And who are you?" a grump old man says looking up from his desk..."uh uh im Lola,Lola Collins" i say neversly 'come on,keep it' together i think to myself yet again."very well take a seat" the man says.i turn to look at the class,great.just fucking great.the only seat available is next to harry styles.

I begin to walk over to him, him giving me that all to familiar smirk. "hey baby" he says to me on a charming tone. "hey" i say quickly not wanting to get into a conversation with him now. I take my seat and the teacher begins the lesson,i can feel his eyes on me..i try to pay attention but i jump when i feel a hand on my thigh, i turn to him rasing my eyebrows not wanting to draw attention from the rest of the class.He pulls my seat closer and leans into my ear " This is what's going to happen,your mine. You do what i tell you to do when i want you to do it, or there will be hell to pay,understand?" i silently nod,him intimidating me now. i feel his hand move higher and higher and i can feel my panties getting wet,i quickly close my legs. "Bad move baby" he huskily whispers in my ear "your gonna pay for that,wait and  see Lola" oh shit. was all i could think.

possesive bad boy - harry stylesWhere stories live. Discover now