Chapter 2 Guy's only?

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(Lucy's POV)

I went down the stairs and saw that Maria we're talking to... seven guys? SEVEN GUYS? Great so much for not being insecure, no way I'm eating anything before they leave, i go to greet all of them and they seem nice, Adam, Quentin, Jerome, Ian, Mitch,Ty and Jason. I gotta say Jason is a hottie, his eyes are beautiful, but i promised myself before i came here to NOT fall in love, my heart needs a break.

(Jason's POV)

"C´MON GUYS WE HAVE TO GO!" i yelled, god i love these guys but they are soo freaking slow, we have to be over there in 2 minutes, and they are just fooling around. "Fine" i heard Adam say, "Great guys let's go" As we walked to the house the guys kept on fooling around, i swear to god, these guys are gonna kill me. As we reach the door, Mitch rings the doorbell, and a beautiful girl opens up and introduces herself as Maria, we all shake her hand and introduces ourselves, then another girl comes up and say that she is Emma, as she introduces herself, another girl comes down the stairs, this girl is not like the others, she... she's stunning, she came over and introduced herself as Lucy, Damn, Lucy is perfect, can i already be in love? I mean i just met her, but i feel so attracted to her..

(Lucy's POV)

The lunch with the guys went better then expected, they all were so nice and funny, but Jason was perfect, i mean the way he laughs is so.. God snap out of it Lucy u promised yourself, but anyways the guys invited us out for dinner tomorrow which Emma and Maria gladly accepted. "They were sooo nice!" Emma said, "Yeah, i really like Mitch" Maria said "Wooooaw hold on a sec girls, you just met them,! "Ohh Lucy we saw how you and Jason were flirting with each other, so don't even start" Maria responded "No we were not!" i said shocked "Whatever you say darling" Emma then said. Goddammit i WAS flirting with him, what is wrong with me?

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