9.Flickering Light

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See the all-encompassing darkness pervade,
Can you see all my hope fade?
The fire that once lit my soul,
To embers has been reduced, the fire a mere shadow of its whole...

Of all emotions,other than gloom,I am bereft,
From one corner,to the other,the murkiness wafts,
It wraps me in its embrace,
Daring me to stare in the face.

Presently, I see a light, against the gloom, rebel,
Striving to drive away all demons, cruel and fell,
Struggling to gain an existence,
Trying to lift the shroud of darkness,so heavy and dense...

And I see a light flicker,
Waiting for the day it'll grow brighter,
Flooding the entire surroundings, and driving away the murk,
And away,it'll sweep the darkness,from wherever it lurks.

* * *

For __NicoGrey__. When you have no hope left, when your life is a story of trials and tribulations...I hope you read this poem and gain courage to face the hurdles in your life... :). The pain in your poetry is so raw. Hopefully,this one will uplift you.

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