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[As another discussion of this trash pile continues, Liver walks into the meeting  room and sits at the end of the long rectangular table. Her fellow associates (aka, the people who actually read this book)  come in as well and sit at the sides of the table]

*Liver shuffles a stack of papers and places them onto the table*

Okay guys, today we'll be discussing a topic that I'm sure I haven't really focused on that much.

Cassie Rose

So as we know from previous...studies... Cassie Rose is a former "Old Builder" and made her appearance in Episode 6: A Portal to Mystery.

'Why am I talking about this?' you may ask.

Well, it's because we know she is probably still trapped underground.

So that's why...ugh..hold on *carrys a bucket full of tools and slams it on desk*

We can go and help her!

Now then, any objections? *looks around room*

MCSM Stuff 2: The Trash SequelWhere stories live. Discover now